Originally Posted by Lyelle
Gale might have been able to escape from a damaged pod while our character was still unconscious, and I would not blame him for not checking too long if our character is really dead, not when there are intellect devourers around.
But there is another part of his introductory dialogue I found a bit suspicious, when your character is a wizard or a sorcerer. Gale says “There's a gust of weave about you, but it’s a mere breeze. I need a tempest. It’ll have to wait. The primary need is a healer.” Considering what we learn about Gale's condition later: would he have somehow tried to use our magic, if we were more powerful, like he does with the magical artefacts? I was wondering since a sorcerer's magic is described as inborn and a part of them, but I do not know if there would be a possibility for him to do so at all.

Wait, are you saying that he would have literally devoured my sorc if he thought it would had staved off his hunger? That's it, now he will definitively not get a sneak peek underneath my robe! A true shame as well. He does have a very attractive body.