I do think the issue is mostly compounded when you zoom in. I really like to be zoomed in because I get a better immersion. However, the slightest things then get in your way. Just last night I went up to the door on the beach. It was just me and Shadow heart. I clicked on the door, tried to pick it, failed, turned around, and just tried to walk away. Shadow heart got in my way, and I accidentally clicked on her, sparking a conversation. I tried again to just click on some ground and hold the mouse button so it would move. Nothing happened because I was right up against the wall, and it wouldn't register my mouse click. I swiveled the camera and tried to click on something again. Still didn't work. I had to completely zoom out swivel the camera and even move the camera away from the building and then click on a bear patch of ground. So, I think the issue here is that for the most part movement works okay when totally zoomed out. But don't ever zoom in or you're going to run into a lot of issues. When my character jumped off the ship I was zoomed in while trying to make the jump.

But that still doesn't correct the chain issues. Just like in the video, the guy had to unchain people a bunch of times to get them to do certain things instead of a simple click on the character portrait. It was a lot of unnecessary wrestling with the change system when it could be as simple as click on a button and everybody's group together, or hit a hotkey. Then click on a person's portrait and just that person moves, or hit F1 through F4. And it could be as simple as if the party has changed they follow you no matter what even if you took damage from the jump. That way you don't have to constantly select each and every person one at a time to get them to make a single jump that you want them to make. The same would be true for stealth mode. If your group is chained together and you hit stealth while not in combat, then everybody stealths. If you want two people to stealth have it be something like hold the shift key and click on the portraits you want to group together. Then hit stealth button and both people stealth.

When you have four characters plus a couple of animals, and even an NPC or two, this one character at a time stealth and jump thing is such a pain in the butt. And the more characters you have around you, the harder it is to click on open available spaces just so you can move around or search a chest. These are the pain points I'm talking about, especially compounded now that in patch 6 you can actually injure your own companions by jumping into them.

Last edited by GM4Him; 26/11/21 11:56 PM.