Since we're basically using this thread as a general kitchen to talk about other cRPGs, I want to talk about a game I've been trying out for the past few days.
Dungeons of Naheulbeuk. I'd say it's a sort of mix between Solasta and DOS2 as far as combat mechanics go. Some people in other circles say that it is actually a better game than Solasta even in terms of combat design, if not overall. I doubted them, but with the sales going on now, I decided to pick it up and see for myself.
I think they were right. The start was a bit rough, but after a couple levels, I can see where they were coming from. It doesn't follow true DnD rules, but something that seems rather close. It's damn good at what it does. The humor in that game is close to Larian fare, except a lot less memey and much more character-based, if that makes any sense. I've taken it to calling it a very French-style sort of DnD game.
It's worth noting that the game is balanced around a party of 8 characters, which I've found rather interesting. I've been finding it very fun.
It also has an interesting way of handling critical failures - instead of doing any sort of RNG manipulation, each critical failure instead contributes to a sort of fortune gauge that you can expend for additional actions, like giving the current party member an additional action, fully healing a selected party member, teleporting a party member anywhere on the combat field, or healing 6 random party members at once. There's also no permadeath, but once a party member goes down, you have 3 turns to heal them (or less if they're affected by DoT abilities or AoE attacks) before they're rendered out for the rest of the battle. And a downed party member receives less EXP at the end of combat if not healed back up.