Good thread topic!

The big thing on my wishlist is for Larian to keep any references to Abdel/original series Bhaalspawn to a minimum. While I understand Abdel is the PnP “official” Bhaalspawn, I just hope Larian respects the folks who played through BG 1/2/ToB to where we can work our Bhaalspawn’s ending in to fit. Perhaps one way would be, if there’s any references to “Murder in Baldur’s Gate”, Abdel can just be referenced as “the former/previous Duke”, or even still referenced by name, as long as it’s not as “Gorion’s ward” or “the one who stopped the iron crisis/Sarevok”. Right now, I’m kinda wanting one of my playthroughs to be as one of the children of my BG1/2 character, and things that could disconnect that would hurt.

That’s honestly the big one for me. As far as gameplay stuff, maybe a few more moulds in Grymforge for some different weapons (axes) and armors (breastplates, maybe).

The ability to only move one character at a time or have party members hold position would also be nice (although maybe I’m just stupid and haven’t figured this one out yet). I’m kinda surprised this doesn’t seem to be in yet.

Finally, I’d also like to see the party to be upped to 5 characters instead of 4. Four seems to be the max for games like this nowadays, and it’d be nice to have a game allowing for a slightly larger adventuring party.