Why is it that a soft spoken female character trying to change her nature is considered "incel-bait" but Sosiel, a soft spoken male character isn't mentioned at all?
Oh no worries. The guy who made that post discussed every single companion in details, who "passed" and who "didn't pass" in his book, and why. No one is singling the succubus out for hate here. Plenty of players praise the characters to high heaven saying this is the best writing they've ever seen. To me it's quite entertaining reading people's posts describing how they feel about things, whether I feel the same way or not. It's enlightening, actually. If that's the way someone feels about something, that's how they feel. No point getting upset at or trying to question why they feel that way (because you're not going to agree with their "why" anyway).
"We make our choices and take what comes and the rest is void."