Originally Posted by Wormerine
Or you know you could design RPG with actual choice and consequnces. With various valid play styles, different exploration options for different team compositions.
I dont think those two options excluding each other.

Originally Posted by Wormerine
I don't need to be able to speak to the Dead or animals if I didn't pick certain classes. I don't needs all my party members to jump like rabbits all over the place. If I pick all melee classes I don't expect them to also double as archmages.
This is good point ...

I have it same, i would totally dont mind at all if i block out whole part of content with some of my decision ... including decision about my race, or class ... i would honestly LOVE if anyone who is offering side quests in groove would refuse to talk with my Drow. laugh
Sadly the game is not done for *just us* is it ...
So Larian will logicaly try please as many people as possible ... wich means allowing them to do as much as possible ... wich means that differences between classes will go thiner, that is just natural effect.

Originally Posted by Wormerine
With how much "depth" Larian put in the game, each playthrough feels very samey - and that's because interaction with the world doesn't change.
I disagree ...
I have 615hours ... and unless i specificaly tryed to follow the same route, i had quite different experience per character. O_o

Sure you can play the things the same ...
But that is just your decision. :-/

Originally Posted by Wormerine
You also forget that there will be multiclassing - if you want your fighter to also cast weaker spells then dedicated wizard - you will be able to do that.
Nah ... i just remember that to do that you need to meet certain ability score numbers ...
So in order to be also "weaker wizard" you have to sacrifice part of your Fighter power.

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
5e isn't as role-limited as you're suggesting here.
Yeah, it was never good methaphor ...
I was kinda affraid someone will take it litteraly ... maybe should have write Shadowheart, Laezel, Astarion and Gale ...

Im aware that there are other classes that *could* potentialy fit simmilar role (even tho, i still believe that no healer in the game is ever as effective as Life Cleric, since *healing* is their whole reason of existence laugh but that is just matter of opinion), aswell as hybrid classes (or multiclass) that can fulfill those roles even better ...
But that was not my point ...

Point was, to put it more in general, that if you create 12 classes and every will specialize in something, and also you set 4 member limit ... you will allways miss something, that is inevidable ... in tabletop, people are counting with this, but in PC games that is not as popular way. :-/

Originally Posted by mrfuji3
The 5e system is already pretty flexible - additional class flexibility isn't needed even with a 4-person-party restriction.
I would agree ...
But this is still just personal opinion ... important question is if Larian is feeling that way ... as so far it seems they dont. :-/

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown