Joined: Sep 2021
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/3tA6Xlf.jpg) Hello everyone, We have a small hotfix for you today - fixing a couple of pesky issues that needed addressing. This week, we answer the question of ‘who stole the sky?’ The answer may surprise you, in that the Shattered Sanctum apparently did it. This isn’t quite a Clue-level mystery, but those precious clouds have at last been returned in this specific case. Let’s hope nobody else attempts to captain-planet-villain away our beautiful clouds for the foreseeable future. Thank you to everyone who reported these issues to us, on all channels. Your support helps prevent future cloud-theft, and is always welcome. Thank you for playing Baldur’s Gate 3. - Improved Steam SDK for Mac M1 users.
- Sealed up unnerving black void in Main Menu and replaced it with sky.
- Fixed crash when loading specific Mac saves on PC.
- Characters at the Duergar Camp are no longer trapped in an infinite dialogue loop about explosive powder.
- Fixed crash when launching the game in fullscreen with non-native resolution.
- Items being opened no longer become non-interactive when switching to a character who can't reach the item.
- Fixed crash on Stadia when launching with corrupted savegames imported with cross-save.
Joined: Oct 2021
I can't see the sky, the Big Bad Evil Guy also known as the camera won't let me. I do have one question however : who stole my robe of summer's coolness ? for more details about what I mean, you could read : the last paragraph of this post, the next question and my two answersthis repost on hotfix 17 notesthis rerepost on hotfix 18 notesafter a quick glance at my (patch 6 save's) magic stuff bag, it seems like the robe isn't the only one affected : - the light hammer +1 found at the base of the arcane tower (I assume it is a "UND_DuergarBlacksmithHammer" which should be called "The Smith's Wrath"), the weapon stat inherits from a lighthammer +1 and its stats' root template property points to the parent template of the root template with the same name. so, you end up with a weapon named light hammer +1 with the regular light hammer stats. - mystra's grace in my bag lost its green outline and isn't even equipable yet I don't see anything wrong in its definition... I haven't extracted the data since patch 6, did you break it in the meantime ? ... well, restarting a new game, getting it, saving and reloading don't currently break it so I'm going to assume that you broke it and then fixed it back... - Creation's Echo (sold by omeluum (UND_SocietyOfBrilliance_Mindflayer), way too cool of a name for an uncommon staff) UND_SocietyOfBrillinace_ResonanceStaff reverts to unequipable generic item with 0 weight / value. nothing wrong in patch 6 data (broken since, I assume) following the test with the boots, rapid fire on other affected items in gustav but (to my recollection) not used : - UND_DeadInWater_CallarduranTrinket no stats override in its root template - PLA_WPN_DreadedSkullsFlail no dedicated root template - CRA_HermitCrab_Ring no stats override in its root template - ARM_DrunkGoblinRing wrong root template someone also stole the light of produce flame, some property in Shared\Content\Assets\Effects\Effects\[PAK]_Status says radius : 1.7 where the light cantrip has 10 but it's way too messy for me to be certain of anything please don't take it wrong, I really enjoy fiddling with this game, I haven't had this much fun in a while and I'm just trying to help
Last edited by auriejir; 02/12/21 11:23 PM.
Joined: Mar 2021
Shovel still won't talk to me. I am sad, I enjoyed our little 'conversations'...
Joined: Dec 2020
Ethel is still broken and the vendors still accuse you of stealing.
"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."
Doctor Who
Joined: Oct 2021
Ethel is still broken and the vendors still accuse you of stealing. please, could you explain to me how this stealing thing occurs ? I'm almost a million "gold" in and it never occurred once to me
Joined: Feb 2021
You just buy and sell, usually using Trade instead of Barter. While shopping, nearby NPCs just decide you're stealing even when you are legitimately buying and selling.
Joined: Oct 2021
usually using Trade instead of Barter. I can say with reasonable confidence that barter is safe, it never happened to me, that's how I exclusively trade and I did it a lot, like visiting every merchant before recruiting, leveling up or resting. I also asked in order to reproduce and document it correctly, if it can help... Shovel still won't talk to me. I am sad, I enjoyed our little 'conversations'... just out of curiosity, where do you summon it ? and now, for something completely different... the scroll of moonbeam (OBJ_Scroll_Moonbeam) does not appear in the merchants' inventory because its root template's stats property points to the actual moonbeam the spell creates (OBJ_Moonbeam) instead of the scroll
Last edited by auriejir; 08/12/21 07:43 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
usually using Trade instead of Barter. I can say with reasonable confidence that barter is safe, it never happened to me, that's how I exclusively trade and I did it a lot, like visiting every merchant before recruiting, leveling up or resting. I also asked in order to reproduce and document it correctly, if it can help... Shovel still won't talk to me. I am sad, I enjoyed our little 'conversations'... just out of curiosity, where do you summon it ? Why do you say this? If I'm telling you and someone else is telling you that NPCs will accuse you of stealing at vendors, and we're not actually stealing, just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean that it's not a problem. I don't normally have the problem when I am using the barter, but when I trade that's when I usually have someone accusing me of stealing. I don't know if it's something with double clicking on an item or accidentally dragging it or what, but random NPCs will suddenly come up to characters that aren't even trading and accuse them of stealing. Trying to reproduce and document it is not something easy to do, and I shouldn't have to. We report the problem, and they should look into it and try to fix it. It's not my job to play quality control. I'm just here to help make the game better. This is supposed to be fun for me while I give them a bit of feedback here and there of what is not working. I shouldn't have to try to prove myself or sit there trying to replicate the issue for the developers.
Joined: Sep 2020
Isn't auriejir agreeing with you GM4Him? You both say that "the problem isn't present using the Barter option." @auriejir basically just provided more evidence to back up your claim that it's the "Trade" option that is the problem..
Joined: Oct 2020
Acording to my humble testing ... exactly this. 
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2021
Trying to reproduce and document it is not something easy to do, and I shouldn't have to. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, I'm trying to reproduce and document things because I look for things to do while waiting to go back to work, I just asked for more details, not more work. once again, sorry if my formulation was misleading, when I say "correctly", I don't imply that your testimony isn't valid, I'm just trying to get to the point where I can say "this part of the code doesn't make sense work". (because some of it also seem needlessly complicated and some other parts are beautifully working...) Isn't auriejir agreeing with you GM4Him? You both say that "the problem isn't present using the Barter option." @auriejir basically just provided more evidence to back up your claim that it's the "Trade" option that is the problem.. thanks, that's what I was trying to convey. also trying to say that barter was safe ? I drag merchant's stuff all the time in the barter menu to split stacks, it is probably an oversight when disabling bindings...
Last edited by auriejir; 10/12/21 01:58 PM.
Joined: Feb 2021
Ah. My bad. Total misunderstanding.
Sorry as well for coming across harsh. It's not the first time someone wanted me to capture an issue, and they wanted me to so that I could prove to them it was happening.
Sigh. It's just a bit too easy to bite someone's head off on these forums. A lot of times, we fall into defensive positions because it seems like someone is trying to attack our suggestions and feedback.
Joined: Sep 2020
Acording to my humble testing ... exactly this.  I'd believe that this is the source of the problem, especially given the not insignificant number of complaints about mouse/clicking responsiveness in BG3. Also seems like a fairly easy thing to test...
Joined: Oct 2020
It also seem like fairly easy thing to repair. O_o
Like implementing sell shortcut (Ctrl for example) ... therefore there are no double clicks ... therefore mouse cant accidentaly move ... therefore problem solved ... isnt it?
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Oct 2021
Ah. My bad. Total misunderstanding. it's alright, written communication can be misleading indeed It also seem like fairly easy thing to repair. O_o I would never call drag and drop problems simple. if it works in any way resembling what web does, it's more like a carefully balanced dance than anything else. if you forget to plug something back at any point, you get what we had since launch and until patch 5 where hitting the cancel button would also cancel the drag function and suddenly, noting works anymore until you hit cancel again while your mouse is in the inventory section of the character sheet and then, it's fixed... on a whole other topic, I used my infinite wishes ring to wish for infinite gold bars and started anew to see how many gold I could amass before having to rest... it seems that with this hotfix, recruiting a new member no longer refresh merchants' inventory. it kind of makes sense but I wish I knew it before sneaking all the way to the myconid colony alone, the fact that invisibility disappears when picking something up makes it extra hard... anyway, long story short, resurrecting shadowheart or lae'zel (who both tried to hit a level 7 cambion, no one was amused) did not reset blurg, which could have been explained but recruiting gale did not either. I will continue my shenanigans, after all, larian put it really well in their recruitment prerequisites : "You have great attention for detail. There are usually dozens of ways to break a freshly scripted quest. Let's see if you stay one step ahead of QA every time!" so, now I have to continue pushing on the invisible walls to see if they hold... that being said, I am a bit sad that I did not think about sending wyll back to camp over and over before it got fixed to try and get rich quicker, now I will never know if it would have worked... [time passes...] ok, continuing on my dumb tests, leveling up still reset merchants' inventory, which is good. however, in my attempt to avoid doing story stuff on my way to the colony, I avoided the grove... (useless details in spoilers) which would be impossible since this cutscene bypass invisibility and triggers from so far, it's ridiculous... I teleported on the little outpost overseeing the wreck with dimension door (probably impossible with misty step, too far, no line of sight, I'll check later), became greatly invisible, crossed the bridge, went through the forest, climbed, sneaked in the forge, burnt the webs and jumped in before the gobelins noticed me. then, standard bee line to the colony while invisible once I returned with my party, intent on activating the cutscene, it did not trigger. the three adventurers aren't at the door and kanon is still alive, wyll thinks I admire him and the tiefling stargazer (my personal piggy bank merchant) don't have her pet bugbear or even talk to me... I don't know how critical this might be, after all, it is almost impossible to avoid this scene, I haven't looked into the quests / dialog system since all those guids are a nightmare to navigate but I guess crossing the bridge triggers the next part and I broke the whole thing by doing it out of order...? [time passes...] ...I pushed inside the grove, talking to the trader, immediately shooing those absolutely unbearable three infinitely looping "you don't even know these people" - "it doesn't matter" - "you would prioritize strangers over us" - "that's NOT what I said". didn't have to look it up, it is etched in my brain for the rest of my life. anyway, once my trading done, I talked to wyll on the training grounds which triggered the gate cinematic but I never entered turn order and I did not see the three adventurers there either. once the gobelins fried, aradin walked to the gate lever next to me, animated as if he was checking corpses, when I spoke to him, he acted as if we were on the other side of the bridge (which kind of make sense) and walked away. then, I went to the elevator, jumped down, baited the bear, hoping to talk to volo but the bridge checkpoint most likely made him disappear, then, I approached the druids guarding the stairs and gale took the place of my character, lae'zel turned into a bear, shadowheart wispered something in the ear of the angry druid and they decided to let me stay where I am. I finished shopping, came back to see if my friend the stargazer returned to earth but she was still frozen so I went back to camp, switched gale for wyll, gave him some equipment, picked gale back again and then, talked to jergal, just for fun. his inventory had reset and I don't understand why. I know this was a really long walk to this but I just described what happened and this was... wild. if you are wondering, swapping wyll for gale back and forth don't seem to reset merchants, I don't get what did but it was definitely something after the "finished shopping" part since every merchant was reset...
Last edited by auriejir; 11/12/21 05:58 PM.
Joined: Oct 2021
if your party is full when you recruit wyll and send him to camp, dismissing a party member to add wyll makes him "level up" to level 1, resetting the merchants. I guess this could work with the others too... now, I don't know why it didn't work with lae'zel and shadowheart, I'm almost certain they gained enough xp to get the "level up" prompt just by avenging them... and, since I had the occasion to check it, the bug I reported here showing that jergal's outline stretches to infinity at some angles is present on all maps, not just the temple camp. I haven't noticed it on any other character so, unless it has something to do with its particular status, I guess there is something wrong with the model ? I can't go and outline the problem this time, it's outside of my skillset...
Joined: Oct 2021
it hasn't changed since launch but the blighted village's smith chest still explodes if it is wet and this explosion is considered being an attack from our character, meaning any additional passive damage or effect would be applied to the surrounding crates or our companions. our companions also react as if we were attacking them and, obviously, blowing in the keyhole to disarm the trap is an impossible task...
now, more seriously, just leave your team back, get naked, equip the raindancer, get into turn based mode, make it rain and then open the chest. simple...
Joined: Oct 2021
well, now is not the time to post this I guess but I just got to the "chest of the mundane" and this one is a very dangerous chest indeed since any item put into it will be forever changed into a useless one without any property. I tried with the smith's wrath since it was already broken. when put into the chest, it turned into a cup (expected) with a green outline (unexpected) and when withdrawn, it kept its name and description but everything else was gone...