On the topic of false indignation...

So, I was curious about the "cast cantrips all day" thing, and went and looked, and, as I suspected, you are limited to 4, at character creation. So, for a wizard, cantrip scrolls make a lot of sense, especially if you've got scrolls for cantrips you haven't prepared. It's like people think you can't just log in and check things or something, what's up with that?

Like I said, you don't prepare cantrips. No-one prepares cantrips, no-one of any class, ever. You know a set number, which you can cast endlessly and all day if you wish. To say "especially if" implies that they serve a value or use outside of that... so what value or use are you imagining that they serve outside of being scrolls of a one-use cantrip that the caster hasn't learned?

Scribing by wizards came up when you said this:

[...] Outside of this [referring to UMD], or whatever is passing for it in 5e, scribing by wizards, and some random that doesn't have an in lore reason to use them does need to be addressed. Which would be a good thing for that wizard that chose different cantrips/doesn't have that one prepared.

Your grammar is not great, so I may have misinterpreted what you were trying to say, but this reads as though you're suggesting that one good use for cantrip scrolls would be to let wizards scribe cantrips they didn't pick.

No, they are not good for scribing; that small misconception, if indeed you held it, was what I was attempting to explain, that's all ^.^

Beyond that, I've seen exactly one person insisting that lockpicking should be limited to rogue, and most folks were happy to disagree with them and point out that that was in no way a limitation of 5e - wherein it can be attempted by anyone with thieves' tools, and proficiency with said tools can be acquired in a broad-ish range of ways that do not require the rogue class.

You're doing yourself a disservice if you're trying to say that phase spiders are behaving like phase spiders in game right now; they don't and you make yourself look a bit silly trying to argue that they do. In game, right now, they warp to perches and platforms that would otherwise be outside of their movement limit, and they spit poison at players - that's their main behaviour. They are always vulnerable to attack on other creature's turns, and they never skip into the ethereal plane. GM4Him is the one that champions this cause the most though, so I'll leave it at that statement, which honestly should be enough on its own to make the point.