Originally Posted by 1varangian
Solasta plays incredibly well compared to BG3. It shows that accurately ported 5e does work really well for a CRPG. Better than Larian's homebrew.

But unfortunately it's held back by the lower production value, sluggish animations that grow increasingly frustrating and especially the poor writing. The plot and lore in Solasta aren't great. But the dialogue especially is so cringe that I kind of lost interest at level 6. The environments are gorgeous.

If Solasta had better writing and voice acting and a camera that would stay in the overhead view rather than reveal the shortcomings of the character models up close, it would be an all around amazing game. But it's a mixed bag as it is. Still, Larian could take some pointers in staying more true to 5e.
The gameplay in Solasta is so good that it distracted me from the bad dialogue, to the point that I walk around looking for random encounters. To me at least fun is the most important factor in a game, and in terms of fun, Solasta beats current BG3 by a long margin.