Originally Posted by Dexai
Originally Posted by Tulkash01
-Camellia: I dislike her but she certainly coherent in her evolution in game, she also adds a lot in terms of shock value (did anyone expect her to be what she is?).

I mean, it was pretty clear from the first time you visit her home that either she or her father was a complete psychopath, and once you realise that all the hints of her monstrosity throughout the game starts adding up...

It was clear that something was off but the extent of her perversion was not exactly expected. If you go back for a second playthrough, knowing what she is you realize she personally killed Aravashnial (which is a major NPC in the tabletop version of WotR btw) right after they fell through the crevasse, but you cannot fathom that as you play for the first time. It all makes sense in retrospective though. Also, even when you discover that she's a serial killer you may easily get fooled into believing she's doing these horrible things for the greater good (appease the spirit...) so you might want to keep her in hopes to redeem her (personally I was convinced the spirit would turn out to be some powerful demon you needed to fight at the end of her quest). It turns out there's no spirit at all. She lied to you and she's perfectly aware what she's doing is for her own personal gratification. She needs to kill and finds joy in doing it. She's also a cannibal. Again, I put her down, but I must admit this is actually pretty original

Last edited by Tulkash01; 05/12/21 03:59 PM.