Originally Posted by GM4Him
Part of the problem is that I can exploit the homebrew rules, and more importantly, the monsters DO exploit them. So I might limit myself to as many 5e rules as I can, but the monsters and NPCs will not.

Also, I am a DM. However, even I can't remember who can cast what spell every time. So, in order to even play true to 5e, I have to constantly look things up myself and restrict myself if I want to play true to 5e... Which I do try to do. But sometimes I just say, ah forget it. Because I don't feel like looking it up, I just guess. That's frustrating and annoying.

So, you don't know who has the ability to cast Divine scrolls, and who can cast Arcane scrolls? Is this what you're saying here? With no context, this is what it appears to be from here.

But regardless, the game doesn't include certain class features and abilities like expertise for rogues which SERIOUSLY diminishes their class. And then there are other homebrew that make class abilities null and void. Those are the ones I have bigger issues with. Stealth and Drink Potion as Bonus makes Rogue Cunning Action and Fast Hands less valuable. I cannot change this or fix this. I just have to accept that the homebrew completely strips the Rogue of their uniqueness.

And Haste being 3 rounds makes Haste potions worthless to me. Instead of using them for boss fights, expecting them to last most of the fight, now I'd better only use them for baby monsters or maybe as a final boost against the bosses when they're almost dead anyway.

All the homebrew throws all previous strats I might know out the window. That is not cool. I know strats for fighting phase spiders, for example, but I got utterly destroyed in BG3 (originally) by them because now they can teleport everywhere. Without Ready Action, the normal strat of wait for them to pop up at melee and get a readied attack is out the window. Same with Readied spells. And I was NOT expecting them to pulverize me from a distance. So many things I'm familiar with tossed in the trash because they changed so much. I go from DM to noob player who doesn't know the game at all, and it's all because they homebrewed SO much.

That said, I still enjoyed the game. I just had to REALLY adjust my way of thinking. Instead of playing with D&D strats and such, I had to learn a WHOLE new game. And at the end of the day, I think the whole new game is too heavily based on items and not based enough on classes and your characters working as more of a team.

When I say, "the only build you need" I mean that with items being so easily acquired, and anyone can use any of them, I can literally create a superior character build as a Fighter. With Fighter, I can use all weapons, all armor, all scrolls and potions, so all spells, including healing and resurrection, I can throw potions, replacing my need of a cleric altogether, talk to animals and undead, and if I pick the background that gives me sleight of hand and stealth, I can do everything just as good as any rogue can too including stealth as Bonus Action and picking locks just as well because Rogues have no expertise. That was my point.

So, do backgrounds need to be removed now as well? After all, everyone can choose a background that grants thief abilities, and thus they'll homogenize all the classes. After the scroll thing is fixed, all one would need to do to replace your "the only build you need" is roll a bard instead of a fighter, right?