LOL reason Larian always win is they don't do zerg specs...Magus Rider/Drood/Witch is so OP I one shot the game, lets face it you start off with a horse and get mounted bonus and just slap everything silly, seen so many bad specs made up by tubers claiming zerg but that spec right there above is the real zerg, you'll want all animal buffs, healer witch for those "I suppose i better heal something" moments and double rapier from sword whatever spec as I can't remember but chose it at level 4 or there abouts then you will utterly frape the game on auto. So many tubers forget you can literally have feats every level by choosing another path it makes the game a joke I.E "Ooo I can have blood rage too as a caster, yep I'll take that". Larian win every time as they make it so you have to specialise rather than get too OP. I hope this ends this discussion and sense many people relogging on Pathfinder and realising how easy it is.
Last edited by Seleniumcodec; 06/12/2112:21 AM.
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