Originally Posted by GM4Him
Both are successful. However, Pathfinder now has 2 successes. It is gaining ground. I think the point is that if Larian is not careful, if they don't appeal more to the D&D audience, they are going t lose them and a ton of valuable revenue in the future. D&D fans are numerous, and though DOS fans are too, Larian will lose a sizable chunk of their fans for the BG series if they don't listen to D&D fans also.

Trust me. There are plenty of us who want more BG games, but I'd they don't give us more D&D in BG3, we ain't buying any future BG games. I don't care for the DOS style gameplay. It's not Forgotten Realms. Say what you like, but it's not.
That's very extreme views, which I don't think many share. I consider myself D&D audience since I played it since AD&D 2e times but I'm not purist, and for me the game is quite FR. I always have a tendency to modify rules if I feel that the original rules can be improved or fixed. For me in RPGs plot consistency always tops mechanical details if later don't break the game.