Originally Posted by GM4Him
If you tell someone that you're basing a game off of D&D 5e, there should be more D&D 5e rules and stats and so forth then there are Homebrew rules and stats and so forth. If the Homebrew out weighs the base rules you are no longer playing a game based on the base rules. That is my point.

This point is invalid. It can be shown to be invalid by the fact that the DnD logo is still present in the marketing. What you feel about the way it's developed, barring some items that we have agreed are in fact broken does not dictate what something is, or isn't. You can rest assured that, if Hasbro or WotC thought they were deviating too much from the source material, they'd pull the plug. It wouldn't be the first time. This is what's going on with the Dragonlance series right now, or maybe it's already been settled, since the original creators of Dragonlance were suing Hasbro/WotC for breach of contract over content in the new Dragonlance books not being up to the agenda Hasbro/WotC wanted to push, and Hasbro/WotC pulled the plug on it. Surely, if they'll pull the plug over their agenda, they'd pull the plug over violating the spirit of the IP.