So you went to a soccer game all dressed up in your burden of expections. You don't have to strip it off and have fun with the other boys and girls.

It's EA, and it's already changed a lot. Of course it's still got a DOS feel to it, DOS is the house that Larian built. They're remodelling, but you don't pull your house down around your ears just because you want your staircase built to a different rule. I'm looking forward to more changes, and hoping that some things in particular are changed too (yes, classes and monsters. But, I'd be suprised if a lot of what we don't like doesn't turn out to have been placeholder after all).
But there's at least another year for a lot to change in.

By the way, I've still not read a review of Pathfinder or Solasta that convinces me to buy either. Because, once I've read past the drooling over the rules, the reviews aren't that great.