Originally Posted by Niara
Turnabout is fair, Rag: Where are your sources and citations. Prove those "Many" examples you've repeatedly alluded to, please.
I believe i did on previous page ...
So here it is once again:
Originally Posted by The Composer
Originally Posted by Swen Vincke - Source from last month
We want to have that Dungeons & Dragons feeling, not slavishly following every single one rule, but really getting the feeling of playing this tabletop experience but everything is being done for me, this dungeon master is doing everything automatically, I'm just having a good time.

Originally Posted by Swen Vincke - Source from October 2020
BG3 is based on the fifth edition [of D&D]. We started by setting out the ruleset very meticulously, and then seeing what worked and what didn’t work – because it is a videogame, and D&D was made to play as a tabletop game. So for the things that didn’t work, we came up with solutions.

Originally Posted by Swen Vincke - Source from October 2020
So what you can expect in BG3 is us giving you more tools to fool around with based on fifth edition rules and on some of the things that make the fifth edition so cool and accessible.

Originally Posted by Swen Vincke - Source from November 2020
Baldur’s Gate was the definitive D&D game of it’s generation, and that’s what we’re trying to create, but we’re also trying to make a good video game first and foremost, rather than a strict D&D adaptation.

To put it in D&D terms, we’re your dungeon master and this is our campaign that we’re running, so there will be our own flavour and house rules. We’re bringing you one particular visualisation of this world, but that doesn't mean that there cannot be others.
This ...
Plus practicaly any panel from hells ...
And ask me anything event from reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/baldursgate/comments/fhk8iw/the_official_larian_ama_is_live/
(search for 5e and you will be able to find few answers from larian talking about alternations from original rules)

Seems like enough examples to me. O_o

Originally Posted by Niara
The sentence that followed that was, indeed, a version of "but there are some things that don't translate well, so we'll be making tweaks"
Look at my surprised face :I
I really dont know what else to say, this is quite significant context in my eyes to left out. :-/

Originally Posted by Niara
because not one single person ever expected that it would be 100% rules faithful, or ever wanted it to be. No-one has ever adopted that stance, Rag. No-one.
I would not be so sure, but lets say you somehow know mindset of millions of people ... for the sake of discusion.

As i asked in previous page, the important question here is where to draw a line?

What is good deviation from the rules and what is bad?
What is cool and what is too much?
And most importanly ... what exactly do you wish to achieve with those changes ...

I mean GM4HIM often mentions Imps ...
Imps in the tutorial never had all their DnD abilities (in EA at least), that is true ... and yet some people managed to loose against them and die.
Therefore Larian tweaked them even more ... and created some "even lesser than lesser version" of themselves ... that was change based on acutal experience.
Now GM4HIM wants them to give Imps their power back and in fact make them a lot more powerfull than they ever were. O_o
What would be purpose of such change?
Yes, we would have "perfectly fiting 5e monster" ... wich would be as perfectly unfiting this particular seting as it even can ... and? I really want to see at least single benefit, since i cant find any. :-/

Originally Posted by Niara
Of course there will be translation tweaks! That's a GIVEN! Everyone KNOWS that's a given...
And yet here we are. O_o
Yet another topic talking about how was bad and evil Liarian ( laugh ) promising faithful transmision of 5e rules and didnt deliver ...

Forgive me for being sceptical. :-/

Originally Posted by Niara
so people took the actually meaningful part of that statement which was the "we're doing 5e as faithfully as possible" part, and got interested, because even other games that are far, far more authentically faithful to their D&D source never made a statement that strong... so folks were hopeful and intrigued.
Exactly what im saying ...
People pick the part they wanted to hear and give it much biger value than it ever had ... not Larian fault tho ...

I would never ever expect myself to quote Tuco but as he said:
There is nobody as deaf as the one who refuses to listen. :-/

Originally Posted by Niara
As only the second game (after Sword Coast Legends) to employ the 5th Edition ruleset, Baldur's Gate 3 has the opportunity to open up a new era of Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying games.

"We started by taking the ruleset that's in the Player's Handbook," Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke told Ars Technica. "We ported it as faithfully as we could."

[one paragraph down, the quote continues]

"Whatever is not in the book [a player character] will say, 'Well, I'll do this,' and the Dungeon Master says 'Sure!' And then he'll think about what type of check he's going to make you do, and then that's going to be what you're going to roll with, and the entire party will work with that," Vincke said. "In a video game, you don't have that, so in a video game you have to make systems that allow you to do this. And so, coming up with those systems has been a lot of fun, and making them link to ruleset as it is has been the interesting bit about that."
First of all (and feel free to aply this to all quotes you posted) ...
Usualy people add source link, since this way is still just something you claim Larian said ...

Then, while this might be my poor english ...
I dont see here anything contradicting curent situation ...

I mean the first paragraph is about what they "started" with, meaning probably from times even before EA, and allready there Swen litteraly said "as we could" ... meaning they allready started to change things for some reasons ...
Also as we know, development a game is work in progress ... you implement rule, it doesnt work ... you change it.

Perfect example would be those imps in tutorial:
At first they had more HP and Resistances ... people were dying there ...
> Reduced HP > people were dying there
> Remove resistances > people are no longer dying there
From this perspective we could easily presume that they might have even poison sting and invisibility at first ... but Larian quite fast find out that facing such enemy is suicide on level 1. laugh
Therefore it was "as faithfully as we could at the begining" just as he said ...

Second paragraph, wich is aproximately 3,5 times longer, is whole about changes ...
How did you managed to get feeling from this that this part is about insignificant minor feats it beyond me. O_o

Originally Posted by Niara
"We’re still experimenting, but a lot of rules translated really well," says Vincke. "We had to make a few tweaks and modifications to make them work with a video game, but things like having an action, movement and bonus action in a combat phase worked well.

"Of course there are the finer details, like how specific spells and actions work, and we hit a few limitations with the D&D ruleset where we had to make tweaks."

The strong tone of this is that it's being done majority faithful, with just a few necessary tweaks for small minutia-grade things that needed to be adapted due to the medium change. It's a misleading comment.
Im sory but i dont see any word about majority ...
I mean yes, im aware that Swen used word "a lot" ... but 1 000 is also "a lot" but out of 1 000 000 its certainly not majority. O_o

Dont get me wrong, this time i see where this gets from ...
I totally understand that as someone who WANTED faithful translation, you wanted this sentence to be told the way you explain it ...
But its simply not said that way ... so once again, that is just your own interpretation. :-/

Its the same as when we were talking about voiced protagonist ...
Most people i know is able to say the word "Hello" in at least 10 different ways from wich every have different meaning ... sadly, when written there is only one.
And this is the same case ... words are there, but everything else you add youreself. :-/

Originally Posted by Niara
It has been more than a decade ever since the last near 1:1 Dungeons and Dragons game has been released (Neverwinter Nights 2). That very well means it's about time we get a new and faithful Dungeons and Dragons game given the popularity of Fifth Edition (5e). Thankfully, Larian Studios has heard the collection lamentations of Baldur's Gate fans and is now hard at work in Baldur's Gate 3.

Like its predecessors, Baldur's Gate 3 is a video game adaptation of Dungeons and Dragons complete with the ruleset and the systems mostly intact. Now, which particular tabletop rules will Larian port over to the game? It appears they're targeting all of them,

Again, strong implication of a reasonably faithful implementation.
In this particular case i totally agree with you, this indeed it a strong implication ...

Yet the autor, whoever it is ... is talking about Larian in third person ... so i dare to presume its just some redactor own opinion (quite unprofesional if you ask me btw)
And therefore i dare to say that this certainly isnt Larian fault, but that person who witten that article ...

Originally Posted by Niara
CRPG and Dungeons & Dragons fans, rejoice! The game you have probably spent many days and nights longing for is coming. Baldur’s Gate 3 will be a faithful adaptation of the tabletop’s fifth edition rules, set at the current moment in its story, according to Swen Vincke, founder and head of the game’s developer, Larian Studios.

There would not be so many news articles using the phrasing if it wasn't something that many, many people latched onto when it was first spoken.

Same problem as abowe ...
This is how Gossip is made ... one came to conclusion and pass it on as a fact ... another come to conclusion based on that and pass it on as a fact ...

We have expression in my country:
You fart at one side of village ... and people will tell you shit yourself on the other end. wink

Originally Posted by Niara
As I recall you were also watching the thread when Sadurian linked the specific original interview from which the quote was taken... so casting suspicion on its authenticity now ill-becomes you and is deeply dishonest of you.
I watch many threats ... i dont even know who Sadurian is right now. :-/

I am suspicious about everything that is not sourced so i can check its autenticity ... that is why i keep quoting that post from Composer, since i have no doubt about its autenticity and anyone who does can easily click the link and check it for himself.

Dunno what is dishonesting about not thrusting someone i dont even know, i would call it being carefull ...
And im especialy carefull when someone claims something that is in direct contradiction with something i have seen and heared from valued and trusted source (Swen himself).

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 10/12/21 11:18 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown