Originally Posted by Umbra
The best part of taking part in an EA is that you get to play with all the mad shit before it gets fixed or taken out. I'm enjoying it while it lasts, because I do think that larian will pull all the threads together.

Keep giving the feedback. The game is changing, and it seems to headed in the DnD direction and that will at least in part be due to the feedback.
There's less grumbling about barrels here now, or surfaces as these have been changed. I want better class distinction too, and monsters that are closer to the given description. But I also understand that the Tabletop game allows for modifcation to those desciptions to fit the DMs narrative, and I'd expect to see that here too.

So. I'm not in the "happy with the game" camp, because it's not a game. I am reasonably happy with the direction development is taking but frustrated with the slow pace. As for communication, that could be better. Half the problem here is we don't have enough to talk about, just the same old people having the same old conversations until we're all either grumpy or quitting. Maybe if Larain put things out for us to offer opinions on (like models for new monsters or races, armors, animations...) anything to put some meat on the bone we're chewing for them.
Because enthusiasm has lapsed, you can really see that here.

Hi Umbra,

I couldn't agree more.

To add to this, I want to be clear that modifcation to those desciptions to fit the DMs narrative is totally good with me too. For example, the spectator being able to petrify and depetrify. I had a problem with it at first because they shouldn't be able to do that. However, text found in the Underdark calls this out. It is part of the narrative that this is a special spectator. So, I'm fine with it. Great. That's the kind of stuff that you'd expect.

So we 5e'ers aren't all just about absolute 5e, as some would accuse us. We just want more 5e and less homebrew to stabilize the game and make classes more unique and special.

And I agree about the "same old conversations" too. I've thought about giving up on BG3 more than a dozen times. I'm getting really tired of fighting the battle against the same old argumentative people who just want to debate every little tiny detail to DEATH until the dead horse is so mutilated we can't even tell it was originally a horse.

I would ABSOLUTELY love it if Larian gave us topics. I'd also love for them to at least tell us what they're planning. If you ain't gonna give us a 6 party max, for example, just say it so we stop crying out for it. Even if they say, "Hey. We hear ya. We're trying to make 6 party max an option to work but not sure it will." At least that's something. And if they're like, "Nope. Not gonna happen.". Let us know. If I know the answer is no, fine. I'm good. I accept their decision and will live with it.

This endless screaming into the void is wearing REAL thin. I literally never want to be a part of an EA again.