This is a suggestion board, people are making suggestions (in this case about better implementation of the 5e ruleset). There is nothing wrong with that.
I'm playing in a pen & paper DND 5e group at the moment and have the comparison in real time, since I'm also doing a new playthrough of BG3. And there is stuff, I wish would make it into the BG3 game.
And yes, I want 6 companions in the group, a better fighting system and other stuff. That doesn't mean, I hate the game, far from it. But I see it as my job as a player of EA to give feedback. I'm not doing it as constantly as GM4, Niara and a few others here, because of real life stuff keeping me busy, but I'm wondering, why people, who point out stuff, they think could benefit from a change, are treated as if they are haters.
Maybe instead of looking who said what when, concentrate of what you like or don't like about the game and give that feedback - yes positive stuff too. SO if Rag finds everything great, he should say it as much as GM4, who wants a more faithful 5e implementation.
That is my 2 cent about all this. I would find it sad, if people turn their backs on the forums or even the game, because they think, they are not heard or worse, their opinion is not valid.

"We are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one."

Doctor Who