Right. That is exactly what I'm referring to about the old systems. There is no way a level 1 person could even remotely come close to rolling a DC 30. DC 15 being a moderate difficulty means that if I don't have any skill proficiency that is an extremely difficult roll.

What I like about 5e is that it is more balanced. A person who is level one can still make roles that are 15 or higher which is a challenging difficulty. They can even make a roll of 20 or higher which is supposed to be extremely difficult.

Meanwhile, if you are proficient in a particular skill you might have a +5. That means that a 15 or higher, which is a challenging difficulty, is still a 50/50 chance for someone who has some skill in it even at level 1. Same character at level 10 could have a +7. So now a 60% chance of success. A person with expertise would have a much better chance at say + 9 or + 10. Thus giving value to someone with expertise.