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Oh no. I agree that it is the biggest time waster of the entire game. It is a pain in the butt. That's why I prefaced it by saying that finding the balance is not easy.

My main point is that it makes no sense to even have all this excess junk loot if there is no real purpose to it other than to have some sort of quick send to camp and then quick sell function or something like that. Why not just make it so that that stuff doesn't even exist and players just get more gold instead? That would cut down on all the extra Inventory management.

If they're going to keep all that extra junk, then there needs to be some purpose for it. Whether that's a restriction on when you can send to camp or quick sell or whatever so that you have to carry it for a time and therefore encumbrance matters or whatever it is that makes it purposeful.

For example, I came up with an idea that short rest would also maybe cost camping supplies. That would make it so that you as a player might have to carry at least some with you while you travel but you could send the rest back to camp. That gives purpose to actually carrying the items around with you.

Another example for purpose with all this useless junk items is that you might be able to use them for crafting purposes. That would give you a reason to still carry some with you as opposed to just sending them to camp. If you could melt all the metal spoons down and so forth and use them to forge weapons or armor, that would at least give a purpose for you carrying them around so that when you find a workbench or forge you can use them as crafting items.

I am all for cutting out the tedious nonsense in games like this. I get why they made fast travel the way they did. It's a huge time waste to have to constantly painstakingly run around from one place to another especially when there are no Random Encounters. What's the point of making us walk or run everywhere if there's no encounters or anything that'll stop you? It's just a waste of time.

Likewise, if they come up with a better reason why you even need the junk in the game, then having a better send to camp just makes the most sense. Multi-select and pick what you want to send and hit the button. Absolutely.

But again, that's only if they're going to actually give us purposes for each of these useless items that were just going to sell later. If all they are in the game is items to sell for a few measly gold pieces, just give us more gold and cut out all the junk.

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When I first started playing early access I didn't read much about the game. I wanted to learn it as I went. One of the first things I got into the habit of doing was hording all the silverware because I thought "there's probably a way to melt this stuff down and craft weapons with it". When I found out I couldn't I thought maybe I could just use it to get more money in the game. I could have been a silverware merchant! smile

I understand the idea of making the world feel alive and lived-in by having all this useless junk stashed everywhere - it is realistic, from my previous work experience - but I also admit that it is making me want to ignore opening up containers now because I keep having to move my left hand off the WASD keys to make those stubborn container windows go away. If I don't move my character and click to open another container they all stay on the screen unless I click the X or press escape.

It would be nice if the action to open a container is removed when the container is empty, at least. As annoying as it is, I still understand the motivation behind the junk. frown

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Originally Posted by GM4Him
My main point is that it makes no sense to even have all this excess junk loot if there is no real purpose to it other than to have some sort of quick send to camp and then quick sell function or something like that. Why not just make it so that that stuff doesn't even exist and players just get more gold instead? That would cut down on all the extra Inventory management.

Decorating main camp off the top of my head, I did this on the DOS2 boat and also DOS1 abandoned house. There is no need to pick up everything, that's just in your head.

Originally Posted by GM4Him
If they're going to keep all that extra junk, then there needs to be some purpose for it.

Players can find purpose for items on there own, don't need to be spoon fed everything nor does everything need a mechanical need.

I said this a while back and I still think the game needs it, remove send to camp feature period and make portals/teleporting waypoint only so you need to be at one. This would put more importance in the strength attribute along with having to chose what to carry. The people that NEED everything will do multi runs.

Truthfully it would be really interesting if they actually made portals like how they are in forgotten realms, since people make them and link them to specific other portals. Not all portals connect together like it is now.

edit* that link only talks about 3e, I know 4e forgotten realms campaign guide talks about portals also. But for the life of me I can't find info on any other edition.

Last edited by fallenj; 09/12/21 04:59 AM.
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Interesting perspective. Well, I'm all for immersion. I like that you can pick up spoons and throw them at enemies. That's a fun thing as well.

I guess the main thing I'm trying to get at, though, isn't so much that they should get rid of spoons and knives and forks. It's more that they should provide purpose for everything. If they provide a Send to Camp and make it easy, for purposes of Quality of Life, which I wouldn't mind, frankly, and they provide Multi-Select to make it easy to send massive quantities of items to camp easily, which I'd also prefer, then they negate the need for Encumbrance at all unless they implement some additional restrictions to when you can Send to Camp and/or they need to provide mundane items some sort of purpose to make you want to carry them on you.

So, in other words, let's say they restrict Send to Camp to Waypoints. You have to physically go to a Fast Travel point to Fast Travel or Send to Camp. That at least provides purpose to Encumbrance. That means you are going to have to determine how much you want to carry on you while you're adventuring until you reach a waypoint. That gives purpose and meaning to you carrying around a bunch of stuff for any period of time. If they allow you to Send to Camp or Fast Travel anywhere and everywhere, there is no need to ever have Encumbrance rules. Just remove them, especially if they make it super quick and easy to Send to Camp. Makes no sense to even have Encumbrance rules if I can easily send excess anything to camp, and if I can Fast Travel quickly to retrieve those items whenever I need them, it is all just wasted mechanics.

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Originally Posted by GM4Him
So, in other words, let's say they restrict Send to Camp to Waypoints.

That sounds like a good compromise. Can we fast travel while encumbered, currently? I don't think I've tested this yet but it would make sense, to me, that we couldn't. I imagine some will still argue that being able to load up a character, multi select all the items, and then "send to camp" is too much quality-of-life. But I can also imagine (role-play) that my characters actually went back to camp dropped the stuff off and then returned to where they are with nothing really that eventful happening.

Random battle encounters could be implemented when fast traveling but then we would be able to farm xp that way and early access is supposed to be limited to hide things from us so maybe this wouldn't work for now.

It would be kinda funny if we could imbue random junk. laugh Maybe hurl a flaming spoon that does 0 + [1 fire] damage. It's not much to really make a difference...but it could set some grease on fire...or act as a dippable surface maybe...

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Originally Posted by heuron
Can we fast travel while encumbered, currently?
Yes we can.
Even while heavy encumbered.

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 09/12/21 06:28 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by The Composer
Originally Posted by RutgerF
Multi-select is like communism: it's a good idea, but it doesn't work. I mean, how many CRPGs have multi-select in inventory? Off the top of my head, I can't recall any (BG1 / 2 had multi-select in the shopping interface, but not in the inventory per se).

Original Sin 2 has multi-select, but only for the controller-UI and mappings. People who come from that experience tend to wish it was there for keyboard also. Why not?
The key word here, I think, is "controller". It has many more buttons than any mouse, and most of them have 2 joysticks, which expands the possibilities a lot.

I mean, I don't blame Larian if they are unwilling or unable to come up with a sensible kb+mouse multiselect. I've never seen a single good implementation of it in my entire life, probably. I suspect there aren't any around, otherwise the approach would have been copied by everyone else very quickly.
The thing that bovvers me the most is the right-click menu in the inventory. It's too academically implemented, and as such it's too cumbersome to use, esp. if I need to send 15-20 food items to camp (because, as of now, camp is the only place where I actually need food, and pig heads tend to weigh quite a bit).

There's more than one way to skin a cat, of course. A not-so-unreasonable approach would be to drastically cut down the amount of available loot (say, 20-50 times). This way, everything we find becomes "special", and it's not a problem to deal with a couple of items (literally, 2-5, no more) after a full run between 2 long rests. There are many approaches, Larian just needs to choose one of them, but as of now, they don't seem to be particularly concerned with the issue.

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Originally Posted by RutgerF
Originally Posted by The Composer
Originally Posted by RutgerF
Multi-select is like communism: it's a good idea, but it doesn't work. I mean, how many CRPGs have multi-select in inventory? Off the top of my head, I can't recall any (BG1 / 2 had multi-select in the shopping interface, but not in the inventory per se).

Original Sin 2 has multi-select, but only for the controller-UI and mappings. People who come from that experience tend to wish it was there for keyboard also. Why not?
The key word here, I think, is "controller". It has many more buttons than any mouse, and most of them have 2 joysticks, which expands the possibilities a lot.

You don't have a keyboard?

[Linked Image from]

Originally Posted by RutgerF
I mean, I don't blame Larian if they are unwilling or unable to come up with a sensible kb+mouse multiselect. I've never seen a single good implementation of it in my entire life, probably.

Hold Shift + Mouse click / drag?

Originally Posted by RutgerF
I suspect there aren't any around, otherwise the approach would have been copied by everyone else very quickly.

Rust. Sims. Does novelty or amount of games matter for something that people want?

Originally Posted by RutgerF
The thing that bovvers me the most is the right-click menu in the inventory. It's too academically implemented, and as such it's too cumbersome to use, esp. if I need to send 15-20 food items to camp (because, as of now, camp is the only place where I actually need food, and pig heads tend to weigh quite a bit).

Probably why people want multiselect, or other interpretations to speed up and add quality of life to tedious inventory management, wouldn't you think?

Originally Posted by RutgerF
There are many approaches, Larian just needs to choose one of them, but as of now, they don't seem to be particularly concerned with the issue.

Exactly. Multiselect is one of them. And perhaps that is why people are requesting attention and concern to the matter.

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Originally Posted by RutgerF
Originally Posted by The Composer
Originally Posted by RutgerF
Multi-select is like communism: it's a good idea, but it doesn't work. I mean, how many CRPGs have multi-select in inventory? Off the top of my head, I can't recall any (BG1 / 2 had multi-select in the shopping interface, but not in the inventory per se).

Original Sin 2 has multi-select, but only for the controller-UI and mappings. People who come from that experience tend to wish it was there for keyboard also. Why not?
The key word here, I think, is "controller". It has many more buttons than any mouse, and most of them have 2 joysticks, which expands the possibilities a lot.

I mean, I don't blame Larian if they are unwilling or unable to come up with a sensible kb+mouse multiselect. I've never seen a single good implementation of it in my entire life, probably. I suspect there aren't any around, otherwise the approach would have been copied by everyone else very quickly.
The thing that bovvers me the most is the right-click menu in the inventory. It's too academically implemented, and as such it's too cumbersome to use, esp. if I need to send 15-20 food items to camp (because, as of now, camp is the only place where I actually need food, and pig heads tend to weigh quite a bit).

There's more than one way to skin a cat, of course. A not-so-unreasonable approach would be to drastically cut down the amount of available loot (say, 20-50 times). This way, everything we find becomes "special", and it's not a problem to deal with a couple of items (literally, 2-5, no more) after a full run between 2 long rests. There are many approaches, Larian just needs to choose one of them, but as of now, they don't seem to be particularly concerned with the issue.

I don't understand. Hold Shift or control. Click Item. Item is highlighted. Keep holding shift or control until all items you want are highlighted. Right click on 1 that is highlighted. Select send to camp or sell. All highlighted items are sent to camp or sold. You know. Basic Microsoft Office functionality. How is that hard for kb+mouse combo?

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Ya I gotcha, fair point.

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I want immersion and the "send to camp" button + eventually a "send all wares to camp" allow us not to care at all about our bags management... Which is not immersive at all when you're role playing a group of people lost in the middle of nowhere.

I'd like them to remove all "send to camp" mechanic.
While I think it's a pretty good upgrade / QoL / compromise that we have now unlimited inventory slots in most modern RPGs, I think it's a terrible one to remove all reasons to manage our inventory.

As a consequence inventory management in BG3 is only a tedious job without any kind of reward if you do it well. At this point they could remove weight, it would be more or less the same.
Finding a merchant is never a relief but only a way to make money.

BG3 goes a lot for gamey and "QoL" and not enough for immersion / immersive mechanics IMO.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 12/12/21 08:16 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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Originally Posted by Maximuuus
As a consequence inventory management is only a tedious job that doesn't make sense. At this point they could remove any weight, it would be more or less the same.

Having a carry weight limit restricts the amount of items a player can carry. For example, encumbrance will limit the amount of explosive barrels you can carry at any given time. Carry weight limits contribute to the difficulty balance which implies that removing them would be a cheat.

When a QoL feature is implemented it does not necessarily make it required. The game currently has a "send to camp" feature but you don't actually have to use it. You can role-play that your characters must go to camp to unload stuff and move each item 1 at a time. For those wanting less of the tedium (which means less immersive in this case) and a more convenient way to manage inventory there are QoL features.

More immersion can be had but how far is too far, right? It was previously mentioned that waiting 8 hours for a long rest to finish would probably not be fun (maybe some would like it but I imagine not most). The example is extreme but it clearly shows that there is a limit to how immersive a game can be. For the people that want the extreme stuff there will, hopefully, be mods. Note that a mod is not required if you can simply not use a feature.

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Originally Posted by heuron
Originally Posted by Maximuuus
As a consequence inventory management is only a tedious job that doesn't make sense. At this point they could remove any weight, it would be more or less the same.

Having a carry weight limit restricts the amount of items a player can carry. For example, encumbrance will limit the amount of explosive barrels you can carry at any given time. Carry weight limits contribute to the difficulty balance which implies that removing them would be a cheat.

When a QoL feature is implemented it does not necessarily make it required. The game currently has a "send to camp" feature but you don't actually have to use it. You can role-play that your characters must go to camp to unload stuff and move each item 1 at a time. For those wanting less of the tedium (which means less immersive in this case) and a more convenient way to manage inventory there are QoL features.

More immersion can be had but how far is too far, right? It was previously mentioned that waiting 8 hours for a long rest to finish would probably not be fun (maybe some would like it but I imagine not most). The example is extreme but it clearly shows that there is a limit to how immersive a game can be. For the people that want the extreme stuff there will, hopefully, be mods. Note that a mod is not required if you can simply not use a feature.

Barrels are probably the only example of things that some players would like to be able to carry on them that is restricted by weight...
When it comes to consumables, a few sets of weapons and/or "small things" you could use during your adventure, it's already more or less unlimited.

I'm not using this feature at all but this one + "unlimited" weight + easy teleport to camp/to town + merchants everywhere + ... => only the boring part of inventory management remains, not the immersive or rewardfull one.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 12/12/21 08:35 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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I mentioned in a thread somewhere the idea of a "strict carry weight" option but this would most likely be part of an immersion mod. The inventory slots do feel like they are unlimited with the exception of barrels, as you said. Players could still enforce a strict carry limit upon themselves (role-play it out) and not load up the inventory past a certain number of items or weight.

An idea suggested in this thread:

Originally Posted by GM4Him
So, in other words, let's say they restrict Send to Camp to Waypoints. You have to physically go to a Fast Travel point to Fast Travel or Send to Camp. That at least provides purpose to Encumbrance.

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Originally Posted by heuron
I mentioned in a thread somewhere the idea of a "strict carry weight" option but this would most likely be part of an immersion mod. The inventory slots do feel like they are unlimited with the exception of barrels, as you said. Players could still enforce a strict carry limit upon themselves (role-play it out) and not load up the inventory past a certain number of items or weight.

An idea suggested in this thread:

Originally Posted by GM4Him
So, in other words, let's say they restrict Send to Camp to Waypoints. You have to physically go to a Fast Travel point to Fast Travel or Send to Camp. That at least provides purpose to Encumbrance.

I really don't think players should have to create their own rules on basic mechanics.
This quote wouldn't change anything but add another tedious requirement.

Inventory management is never interresting when it doesn't imply something else than inventory management (which is just clicks and drag...).

That's why weight and/or slots exists in games but with "send to camp" buttons and free teleport back and forth (among other things), weight and slots makes no sense at all except, maybe to restrict players to carry 20 barrels.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all for the removal of weight. I'm all for more restrictions / the rework of other mechanics that leads to this boring and unappealing inventory management.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 12/12/21 09:26 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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Originally Posted by heuron
When a QoL feature is implemented it does not necessarily make it required. The game currently has a "send to camp" feature but you don't actually have to use it. You can role-play that your characters must go to camp to unload stuff and move each item 1 at a time. For those wanting less of the tedium (which means less immersive in this case) and a more convenient way to manage inventory there are QoL features.
The question is if this even is QoL feature ...
I mean, by definition QoL should leave rules intact after implementation ...

Its actualy kinda funny that curent "send to camp" is actualy QoL feature, IF its is used by person who wanted to store something in camp but forgets to do that when he was there ... our person would then need to tediously go back to camp, find a container, place item there and travel back to the world ... boring ...
So Larian implemented this covenient feature that allows him to do the same with just a few clicks. > QoL improvement ... since there is no limitation to travel between camp and rest of the world (if there should be is different topic tho) no rule was broken ...

Theoreticaly, even tho it is a little questionable ...
We can also claim that this feature is kinda QoL in case, when you find really nice loot at end of the dungeon, but you are allready overburdened ...
Technicaly you should have go to camp (or vendor), make room, return back and then finaly loot the item ... now you can simply send the item into camp and save yourself that tedious and boring travels.

Problem starts when player starts to use this feature as mobile unlimited inventory. :-/
That is the point, where feature become exploit.
If you will send to camp litteraly every item you find, whole reason of carry weight is sudently gone.
That is the reason (at least in my eyes) why is so tedious to send to camp items one-by-one ... to outweight its benefits ... its certainly covenient on one side, but also quite tedious on the other ... if we would be able to use this smoothly, it would seriously break the system, since simply removing carry weight completely would make the same outcome, with even less work (both for us and developers btw). :-/

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 12/12/21 09:19 AM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
Theoreticaly, even tho it is a little questionable ...
We can also claim that this feature is kinda QoL in case, when you find really nice loot at end of the dungeon, but you are allready overburdened ...

I'm not calling this "Quality of Life" feature. I'm calling this "feature for lazy players".

You would not HAVE to walk to camp, you could also just throw something.

That's an interresting part of inventory management before and during dungeon crawling. More than clicks for the sake of it.

Last edited by Maximuuus; 12/12/21 10:57 AM.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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Yup, thats the questionable part.
The question here is what do you have in bags ... aka if you even can throw something out. wink

And just for the record, the reason i used the word "something" was bcs i dint want to try to figure out what so important could our group drag ... since that would differ from player to player anyway. :P

Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 12/12/21 12:03 PM.

I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings. frown
Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are! frown
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Hey, I've said it many times before. If it doesn't have a good purpose, why even have it in the game. If you can easily send and retrieve everything to and from camp, then encumbrance has no real purpose at all.

But if you flip the script, what's the point of making players slowly walk back to camp, dump everything, and jog back? If you don't have random encounters or anything to make travel back and forth a potential risk, then all you're doing is creating an annoyance for players.

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Originally Posted by GM4Him
Hey, I've said it many times before. If it doesn't have a good purpose, why even have it in the game. If you can easily send and retrieve everything to and from camp, then encumbrance has no real purpose at all.

But if you flip the script, what's the point of making players slowly walk back to camp, dump everything, and jog back? If you don't have random encounters or anything to make travel back and forth a potential risk, then all you're doing is creating an annoyance for players.

Why would players walk back to camp ?
Is that something they are doing a lot in other cRPG ?
(Camp may be town/vendor/personnal chest)

Are you considering that everyone wants to carry absolutely everything without any management ?
If that's the theory the result is the same : remove weight.

French Speaking Youtube Channel with a lot of BG3 videos :
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