Originally Posted by RagnarokCzD
If we are talking in Star Wars refferences, i think i shall call you Stromtrooper ... since you are missing my point. laugh

Lets try it from the other side ...
Its easy to write a simple code ... its not so easy to include it to your final product, if you DONT want it there. wink

Nah. I got your point. Twas only joking around. Trying to be less serious out here. Doesn't do any of us any good to get all fired up. Right?

Anyway - Well yes. Certainly if they DON'T want it there, then this is all just pointless. If they're going to be stubborn and not give people what they are asking for, an option for 5e stats and rules, and they're going to force people to play this weird DOS/D&D 5e mixed up mesh of rules and stats, then that's what we're going to get and we'll just have to deal with it.

I didn't think we were talking about what they WANT or DON'T want. I mean, how do we know what they WANT or DON'T want? We don't. Not really. Unless you are an employee who works for them and you have some sort of inside knowledge, then we don't really know much about that.

So, I can't really base any of my suggestions or feedback on what they may or may not want to do. Now, if they'd communicate with us more, and they'd just tell us something like, "We don't want to provide players with actual D&D 5e rules and stats," then I'd just stop trying to push it and we'd all move on and everything would be just peachy... except we'd be a bit disappointed that they aren't going to give us what we were hoping for.

But since we have no definite feedback or answers about this, I'm just going to keep assuming that my voice matters and that if I keep pointing out that I think it'd be good to implement a 5e rule system and stats, maybe, just maybe, they'll actually do it.

As Minsc used to say, "The squeaky wheel gets the KICK!" So, if I'm squeaky enough, maybe I"ll get a kick. smile