My wish is that Larian also try to optimize the new code for maximum graphics so we can at least get slightly better framerate. That said it is true you can pause the combat and this is not some FPS shooter game that need to have super high frame rates. This wish is easier said then done, but hopefully Larian can do this performance optimize. Yes I know you can change settings, but I was talking about little performance boost in FPS.

Cool monsters like Werewolf example a side quest. Perhaps a Vampire clan with a master Vampire like Dracula. Werewolves and Vampires can be example in Act 2. Well or if vampires are to powerful then perhaps vampires in Act 3.
At least one Dragon in Act 3 that players can fight. Well and that Dragon does not need to be huge fire Dragon instead something players can win.

I like Action (fight) and Horror content (the Crypt music and effect very good I liked them). I do like also calm nice surrounds example Druid place was good. Perhaps a nice Elven place. Both nice and nasty places in Neverwinter City. Yes and I having against a bit comedy I almost laughed so much I feel off my chair when I tried to save the Gnome in the mindmill and acidentally set of the booby trap. I did not took load and thought fine this happened. Oh do not get me wrong in real life it would be horrible, but this is a computer game.

All classes and if possible also all races from Players Handbook 5th Edition.
More Cleric domains and hopefully all Cleric domains from Players Handbook 5th Edition.

Last edited by Terminator2020; 02/01/22 06:32 PM.