My fav moments was watching a stream yesterday and it was his 1st ever play through and he had never played anything like BG3 before nor had any knowledge of D&D rules or gameplay etc, anyways he made it into the Goblin camp and at 1/2 health went up to Priestess Gut realized she was part of his "quest" to save Halsin and attacked her . The look on his face and his exclamation of " Ohhhhhh FK!!!!!" had me literally laughing out loud when he realized he was in deep shite. To his credit he survived. Was the best BG3 Stream I've watched in a long time.

My fav in game moment or voice line is when you save the Gnome
" Ignorance is alive and well it seems!" ... "On that note I bid thee a farewell. If we should meet again ... well, we will have met again"

Also in one of my very 1st play throughs I clicked "Brake Release" and sent him hurtling through the sky