Originally Posted by Lunar Dante
... I was shocked by the systematic advantage of high ground, the jump which bypassed AoO, the lack of disengage system, the fact that you could eat while in combat getting back hp or the fact that you could throw healing potions on your companions to heal them... I was pissed off. But they arranged all that and I am a quite relieved. So THANK YOU LARIAN (and I positively changed my reviews of the game on internet because of that) It is ok for my if if is not perfect from a D&D5 perspective, but, I would like to comment on your feedbacks :

Maybe this was a clever negotiation tactic. Deviate so far from D&D rules that every time they change something back people are grateful.

The game is still all about cheesy exploits, unlimited long rest and pushing people into pits and lava. PC's who are forever lost or incinerated to ash get transported back to camp without explanation in a very arcade "3 lives" fashion.

It still doesn't feel like D&D to me. I'm not immersed. Everything screams generic video game and not Forgotten Realms or grown-up RPG. BG1&2 did not have this problem. BG3 feels more like Super Mario in Forgotten Realms.