Originally Posted by GreatWarrioX
Originally Posted by Lady Avyna
Originally Posted by OneManArmy
The game features many types of alcoholic beverages, wine, and so on. But there is no weed. Why?

At the same time, in many RPG games there are drugs in the game besides alcohol. For example, Skooma and moon sugar in The Elder Scrolls.

In our society, marijuana has long been legalized in a number of countries such as Canada, the USA, some European countries, and so on.

Would it be possible not to drink wine in the romantic scene with Shadow Heart, but smoke weed?

[Linked Image from d.radikal.ru]

It has to do with the type of setting that the writers have in mind. Smoking weed to you might seem okay but it's not common to do in a romantic setting. In most romantic settings, the couple usually drinks wine together.

Candalf smoked weed and flirted with Elf Girls all the time.

Where are you getting that from?