Originally Posted by GM4Him
Except that instead of controlling 1 person, you have to juggle 4-6 all at once. THAT'S what makes it so difficult... RTWP that is.
This is a reasonable point, especially when you word it as a personal difficulty issue (and not a tactical or realism issue). I have never had any difficulty handling parties of six in RTwP cRPGs. But then I struggle handling a single character in action hack and slash games. So I can appreciate that things are difficult/easy for people differently.

Originally Posted by MrToucan
Dragon Age games did it best. Micromanage if you want, or decide the way your companions should act and rely on it if you don't. It's a damn shame nobody has tried to steal their customizable AI system.

What I would give for the ability to set up routines and conditions to be executed automatically during fights... frown
Yup. Many people complain about the DA games' combat system. I consider them to be excellent, especially in DA:O. They do compromise by going down to a party of four, which I don't like, but RTwP + robust customization system for companions' AI is definitely the answer to a good combat system for party-based games.