I'm going to preface this post by saying that I'm overobsessed with Princess Sadha. (Well, my version of her at least.) Where this overobsession started, I've only ideas, but what I can say that is that it exists. And that I've embraced it and channeled it into something productive by making a mod that revises and expands on her character and interactions with her. The mod is still long in development, but yeah. It exists to some degree right now.
All right, with that out of the way, I'd like to ask people, and preferably any developers/writers/Larian staff what the intentions behind the Red Princess where. In the final game, she's so undercooked and underwritten for her importance in Red Prince's storyline that she feels like an afterthought and/or plot device. Her exact motivations besides to bring about the return of Red Dragons are a mystery, but in a bad way. I can't get a good, consistent read on her character. For example, does she truly care for TRP or is she just using him? The game leans to the former more, but there's enough there to suggest she's not so noble with her intentions with the Prince. But I feel like I get that more because she's underwritten and undercooked. The lorebook is no help with her, as it just talks about making her attractive (and that lorebook has outdated/unused information anyways). I've heard at one point in Early Access, it was
her that got the Prince exiled, but that's just hearsay, obviously not used in the final, and makes no sense anyways. Hell, even her appearance is inconsistent. Her concept art shows a very different look of her than what used in the final game (Why was it unused, anyways? Other important characters kept relatively close concept art appearances... not her.). In the Godwoken novel, someone showed me what she looked like in it, and she's not even red.... she's green! It's a big deal that she's red! Yeah, it's in TRP's dreams, but he'd
definitely know at this point that she has red scales. And even ingame, her appearance is inconsistent. Part of this is talked about in my mod
here, where her appearance with her headdress on is inconsistent with every other appearance her. But even then, she's not wearing her iconic headdress in TRP's dreams or Zorl-Stissa's rendition of her (though these can be excused more). Augh!.... It's just so frustrating trying to get what the point of her was in the final game.
To this, yes, I have taken a more defined route for her in my mod. I make her more outright benevolent and likable, for starters. And include that face fix mod for her. Among
many other things. Are my intentions in line with original intentions for her? No. But I like what I've done for her and will keep my course

. And others like what I've done with her as well

. (Can inquire more what I'm doing in the mod, it's just as relevant to the thread ATM.)
So to this end, I posit this question to the general users here: what do you think the intentions where with Sadha in the final version of the game. And for any Larian staff, if you could give me any feedback on what
your intentions behind her where and her development. Maybe even tell us her voice actress (if said actress is comfortable sharing that.). Thank you all in advance.