Hello Larian-Team and modding community o/
im fairly new to Div2 modding and really enjoying it
tools like the editor and tutorials that have been given to the community are a blessing
aswell as the modding ecosystem around it created by so many talented modders
So i've started to work on my own mod and part of that contains working on the levels
of the main campaign like FortJoy. Digging deeper into how that stuff works i just found myselfe hitting a wall.
- AI Grid is not saving
- Terrain is not saving
- Inherited Objects unmovable
- Objects ingame are placed differently then in the editor
After days of trouble shooting and exchanging with other modders on the discord i found out that
in regard of main campaign modding the Editor is just out of date.
Especially the GiftBag5 ArmorSets "Legends of Rivellion" adds so much
and setting it as dependency in the Editor results in crashing.
In that regard i would like to know:
Is an update for the editor planned for the near future?
If not, would it be possible to get a quick fix and update for the level data?
Getting this would be really uplifting and vital for further modding adventures

Thanks for reading!