As previously stated and easily checked - video games (especially RPGs) have had D/N cycles some 20 years ago so it doesn't make sense to me why Larian would want their game to be a bland and static world to traverse in.
The swamp in its true form is a great example of the mood change a simple darker tone and some fog can do. Easily my favorite part of the game when not in the Underdark simply because it shows nuance, it shows that a bright and vibrant world can very quickly turn darker, its memorable unlike most of the upper part of Act 1.

So what would need to be done?
- They would need to make two different time periods obviously - Day and Night, the Day would be separated into two different lightings changed by spending a certain amount of time in game or by short resting - that is three different lightings - Morning, Afternoon and Evening. The tones could be influenced by weather effects (Rain, Thunderstorms, Light/Dense fog, etc.)
- They would need to implement dynamic weather like Rain, Thunderstorms, Light/Dense fog, etc. (sure we have some but they are static, a constant that grates on the nerves when looking at it from an immersion standpoint)
- They would need to record a bunch of new dialogue for existing characters and NPCs to reflect the change in the cycle/weather and for them to have reactions to you lockpicking your way through their locked doors
- They would need to do a soft rework of the Resting system to accommodate for the cycle ie. implementation of Exhaustion Levels, mainly for not resting through the cycles (Exhaustion Levels as explained in the PHB)
- They would need to scatter some random enemy encounters around the world with nocturnal creatures ie. Gibberlings, Zombies, Ghasts, Vampires, etc. and bandits to help make the world feel alive (can't say how many they would need to add since I haven't been checking the datamines, but its safe to say or just wishful thinking that some of the cannon fodder Night creatures are already in)
- They would need to script new quests that are available only during the Night
- Revisiting all the existing instances and put torches/lamps around certain paths and buildings (otherwise it'll be a very dark place, ie. the encounter at the entrance to the Overgrown Ruins would be done in complete darkness)
- They would need to make one change to the location of all the NPCs, during the Night period.
- Seeing as we have little to no doors that actually house NPCs or Shops right now, they would need to make the Baldurs Gate area have locked doors during the Night (also applies to the Strongholds ie. can't enter the Druid Grove by walking through the gate, have to take the secret passage)
- They would need to take into account all the possible cutscene differences and all of the bugs that would no doubt ensue

Just off the top of my head... Its a lot of work either way with or without my input on what sounds logical. Its all very basic and theres a
of issues I haven't even touched.
I honestly hope they implement it as it would add character and memorability of the game. The soundtrack to the game is amazing but it would pack an even bigger punch, changing to a somber tune when the rain and fog start setting in. BG2 would not be the game that it was / is without the change in the atmosphere when the darkness came over the world.
Why is the implementation of the D/N cycle still uncertain?
My guess would be that they set out to make the game without it and backtracking now could make a whole load of problems for them.
I can't possibly assume to know why Larian does the things they do from a design standpoint but a AAA RPG game without a D/N cycle seems like a blunder on their part...
Here's a +1 from me for all its worth.

Last edited by S2PHANE; 29/01/22 01:04 PM.