Originally Posted by 1varangian
And it brings the question, is it worth the dev time to develop two different games into one? A story driven party based RPG, and a goofball mess around game where you are hindering other players rather than working together.

How are you going to be able to progress in the story if you're focusing on messing with your companions? Unless also combat is made trivially easy through cheesy exploits, so the goofing around does not make it impossible to continue the storyline. You can always toss a few barrels to solve a problem or just metagame or alpha strike the hell out of encounters.

This is the core of my problem with Larian I guess.
Yeah, that's why D:OS1 is still my favourite of Larian's titles - it was straight up silly nonesense with little to no effort put into a compelling narative or characters. In D:OS2 Larian already tried to fulfill desigers of more narrative focused RPG crowd - for some they succeeeded, for me it was the opposite.

BG3 frustrigly does narrative stuff much better then D:OS2 and I can envision it being a cRPG that I would adore playing. But there is still the "playground" attitude and that and narrative constantly undermine each other, in my opinion.