Originally Posted by Wormerine
And therefore it is beneficial for the game to break more polished version of DnD for no reason, and implement half-baked homebrew?
Maybe Larian is just using the same approach as Bioware? All these bugs and exploits didn't stop BG1&2 from becoming very popular, even though the devs never bothered to address them. And now the games are quoted as a positive example, so it shows perception changes with time.

Originally Posted by Rhobar121
Older BG games had a huge number of exploits, most of which are fairly easy to exploit.
Staking exploding skulls to kill a dragon in seconds, or maybe the famous immortality exploit that is even easier to use.
Neither of these exploits was related to 2e
That, and the illusion clones copying thief traps and ignoring the trap limits. And the time stop traps...