Originally Posted by SerraSerra
Originally Posted by GreatWarrioX
Originally Posted by CSLPlasma
Originally Posted by smberg
- Address the EA forum community

This is what I would like the most. Show a list of the most discussed/requested topics/fixes/updates (this would show the community that you actually are paying attention/care). Give a status of each that shows Yes - planning to implement; No - not planning to implement; Maybe - still studying on how to implement within current framework or studying balance issues. For No’s and Maybe’s, explain thinking as appropriate.

This is such a good idea and sad it most likely would never happen. You can even prepare ahead of time, carefully cherry picking what you want to answer and carefully crafting responses. It's just such a shame that most forums (all games/developers) go completely unaddressed. It's so obvious what is important to people when you look at the forums. Even if it's the hard truths: No more patches, we need to get this game out. We hear your request for more realistic time/travel distances, but this just isn't going to happen, we're making a video game. Whatever it may be, it's so simple to get your message out in a controlled way and companies just don't do this for fear of getting their heads bitten off (which will happen no matter what so might as well say it).

Why they need to address anything? Gamers arent developers, we just give opinions, suggestions, help them etc. These 90s forums gives bad image of it, too much freedom.

Obviously in capitalism they don't owe us anything legally. On a pragmatic level, however, there is nothing stopping companies, such as Larian, who prize themselves as industry outsiders, to show some basic social decency to their customer base. We aren't asking much i think, a simple gesture of acknowledgment and some closure towards the discussions here would suffice. After all we're all here because they asked us to participate in this EA, right ?

Im not here for EA, I honestly think this could be awesome game. Hell I havent even played this game yet.

Last edited by GreatWarrioX; 03/02/22 01:31 AM.