Originally Posted by GM4Him
I like fully voiced dialogue, BUT I would like the option to shut it off if none of the voices remotely fit my character. DLC with more voices might be something I'd buy, but Niara's right. If I can't find the right voice, just no voice would be preferred.

100% agree with this and with Droata’s post above. I’d be delighted with the Origin characters and a couple of custom options each for male & female being voiced, with the alternative of selecting no voice (or barks only) if none fit.

If there are just a couple of custom voices per gender, though, they do need to be distinct enough to suit different character types. It may just be me, but I can hardly tell the two EA male custom voices apart.

"You may call it 'nonsense' if you like, but I've heard nonsense, compared with which that would be as sensible as a dictionary!"