"In order to tell a good story, you need ambience. You never hear of people telling ghost stories on a saturday morning with cartoons playing in the background because the ambience would be wrong. Instead you tell them around a campfire at night in wooded areas because that is when they will have the most psychological impact."

Nahh, it just need a good narrator able to catch the complete attention of the audience so much that they ignore the environment and any sudden rumor can make people jump and shiver.

Spiders can shoot webs (Scytodes thoracica for example) imbued in venom (about this scientist are not sure). Furthermore in a wordl were spiders can tekeport where is the problem if they also shoot venonous webs from distance? O.o.

Moreover human eyes are quite adaptable to dark (a normal human eye in perfect dark can see a single foton).
I like how they are managing the dark in dark places I just hope that they don' continue the road of choosing the part of players that wants a second job more than a pleasure passtime.

[Specially I still hope they will put the story -normal-hard-hell modes so that casual players too can enjoy the game just like professional ones.