Not particularly. I don't play these types of games for spectacular visuals, and Meteor Swarm, at the end of the day, is a simple damage-dealing spell. The more interesting lvl9 spells, if implemented at all, are likely to be limited in scope. Just look at the Command spell – dead useful and versatile when playing at the table, but cut down to one use in the videdogame. At a hypothetical level 20, I think we can expect similar treatment when it comes to spells like Wish or Imprisonment, and spells like Gate or Astral Projection are likely to be skipped over altogether. With that in mind, I don't think level 20 it would add much to the experience.

If you want a story with an epic scope, OP, you should pick up Pathfinder: WotR (if you haven't already). You can get up to level 40 in that game if you play your cards right, so it might be up your alley.