Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by Nelemak
also pretty cool.. so fireball but element changed to cold?
Icestorm, cone of cold?
I'm also curious. Is it the "so excited for you to play it we could explode" that's a hint? The "...pretty cool"? Or both?

If it's just the "explode" part, then either fireball or Larian's brand new Barrelmancer class.
If both, maybe a cold fireball. Or maybe Barbarian (rage=explode with anger) and Monk (keeping cool=calm, patient strikes). Hmmmm...

There was snilloc's snowball swarm which in the older games was a burst of snowballs coming out from a single source with a burst like a fireball, could be a filler until we get level 5 and fireball. Though I would still prefer getting level 5 and fireball access but SSS was on my top 5 things I would like to see added to the game, especially since Mages throwing fireball is one of those things that are quintessential DnD