I said,We're talking about what would make the game better.

You asked how?

I already told you. So I repeated it because I already said how. You just disagree, which is fine, but what else needs to be said?

And the point is, random encounters on long rests as well, because you can get attacked in dangerous places when resting, so it limits ;omg resting. You know. Realism - a world that feels more alive, and it discourages an even bigger exploit - long rest spamming, because you never know what enemies you might trigger via random encounter if you long rest in dangerous places. Maybe a troll who wipes you because you're already weak. Oh! Shouldn't have rested in a dangerous place.

And why are you okay with other exploits but not okay with random encounters as a potential exploit, which would not happen super frequently, if done right, so they wouldn't be super great exploits? You know, like long rest spamming... Because long rest spamming is a WAY more severe exploit then random encounters happening infrequently.

Last edited by GM4Him; 13/02/22 02:50 AM.