Originally Posted by Wormerine
So, I don’t. If the shove distance would be shortened to 5 feet, then it would change he nature of how would we be using. At the moment shoves main function is sending enemies down the clif - shorten the distance and it’s function changes. Disengage, perhaps move it to another party members attack of opportunity zone.

Having an option to invest in lengthening character’s push distance might be interesting, but having variable results mean that players can’t use push tactically very much - not only it is not certain if push will succeed, but it is not certain how far it will move the enemy.
Yeah, just maybe shoving someone into lava or a bottomless pit which are readily available everywhere, should require two shoves or co-operation for balance reasons? Even "just" shoving someone down a ledge for minor damage where they require a turn or two just to get back in the fight is a winning move in most scenarios. A bonus action that wins an entire fight is pretty obviously broken.

Also, if my character would get "only" 5ft. shoved towards a sea of lava with the intent of one-shotting them on the next Shove, I would like to get a chance to move away from the edge, having to deal with attacks of opportunity. That's actually much more tactical than some random duergar yeeting you into lava from basically anywhere at their leisure.

Last edited by 1varangian; 13/02/22 03:04 PM.