I'd say the stale and scripted world we now have that has no surprises, no random elements, (no night time) or any real feeling of danger is boring.

Creatures even move according to a script. That's why we have expert playthroughs where acid flasks are thrown to the spot the Bulette will jump on before it actually does.

Generally the level of metagaming in the hard encounters is absurd. You don't need a scout because after the first time you know exactly who is where and what they will do. Even the basic encounters could do with a bit of variance or randomness. In the Panels, Swen seems to personally enjoy defeating enemies with heavy metagame knowledge though, which is frankly a bit alarming. I don't think RPG's should be about metagaming. To RP, you need to be able to live in the shoes of your characters as much as possible, knowing what they know. Once again an immersion thing.

I'm not at all opposed to a Story mode that removes most of the mechanical challenges. I think Larian should have included at least 3 difficulty levels already in the EA so we wouldn't have to argue about stuff that gets sorted with Story / Normal / Core Rules settings.

Last edited by 1varangian; 13/02/22 03:20 PM.