Sooooo. Back on topic. Lather. Rinse. Repeat until they actually implement this.

5e rules, at least as a difficulty OPTION, better implemented would make the game more fun, strategic, and it would make it so classes are valuable, items are valuable, and gimmicks and exploits are not as valuable or even present in the game. Monsters with proper stats would be unique, instead of all of them being ranged attack, high ground shoving maniacs with no real uniqueness at all. Phase spiders would be true phase spiders and attack close range. Jellies would split when hit with slashing weapons or lightning. Etc. Etc. Etc.

And the world would be more alive with a sense of potential danger around every corner via random encounters. Don't sleep in dangerous places, or BAM! You never know what might attack you in the night. Best find a safe spot to rest first. You won't be as inclined to long rest in a goblin camp that's hostile to you because you might just trigger a fight you can't handle. Best to be sure you're well prepared before going into such dangerous places and/or find a safer place in a room where you can lock the door before long resting. And wizards and clerics won't be nigh invincible at higher levels because spamming long rest to recover spell slots may just be their undoing.

Last edited by GM4Him; 14/02/22 01:42 PM.