Joined: Dec 2020
Can i kill Astarion when we meet now (in dialogue) or avoid having to go through the ridiculous wrestling?
Joined: Jan 2021
People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. I think the game is coming along great. I am having a blast with this patch, the new items and pieces of equipment are a lot of fun and the Barbarian has some really unique interactions with the NPCs, I loved seeing Kagha's scared expression when my character threatened her. I still wish there was a way to out her to Halsin as an ally of the Shadow Druids even if Olodan & Co. haven't revealed themselves. Once the player character gets the documents that prove her guilt (those that we can find hidden in the tree trunk) we should be able to show them to Halsin even if the druids/tiefling crisis has already been resolved. Really looking forward to get to Grymforge with my Barbarian 
- Firm believer in Mindflayer supremacy -
Joined: Nov 2020
People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. Who'd ever have imagined that different people might have different opinions, lol.
Joined: Mar 2020
I'm also surprised at how many in itinere changes are happening for polish. Poles are a demanding RPG crownd afterall 
Joined: Mar 2021
The new patch is unplayable for me. Game crashes every 5 minutes like clockwork. Please fix this mess please!
Joined: Sep 2021
People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. True. My guess would be that at least some of the frequent posters (Tuco, for example) are also regulars on RPG Codex. And folks there are known for their negative opinion on Larian games in general. Maybe I'm wrong, just making an observation.
Joined: Sep 2020
I'm having a bit of an odd bug - it won't let me adjust my wisdom in character creation. All the other attributes are fine, but when my cursor goes to the plus or minus at the wisdom stat, the cursor changes to a windows style arrow and won't do anything (move it a bit and it'll show me what skills wisdom relates to but increase or decrease wis? Not happening).
Joined: Oct 2020
Can i kill Astarion when we meet now (in dialogue) or avoid having to go through the ridiculous wrestling? Nope ... Once you start talking to him you are still forced to go the same old scene ... Still have to fight, still have to accept the appology ... Its kinda sad that you are allowed then to kill Gale who had no hostile intentions towards you ... and Laezel whos only sin is being Gith ... pretty racist if you ask me. :-/ But you never ever can attack the man who just litteraly tryed to cut your throat. -_-
Last edited by RagnarokCzD; 18/02/22 08:05 AM.
I still dont understand why cant we change Race for our hirelings.  Lets us play Githyanki as racist as they trully are!
Joined: Jan 2021
People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. Who'd ever have imagined that different people might have different opinions, lol. As Shadowheart says, "I was just making an observation"  Not to mention, it's fun to read disparaging and salty comments. That's why rants and negativity in general thrive on the internet and especially in places like YouTube or Twitter. Drama can be very entertaining, but it's also wise not to get drowned by it.
- Firm believer in Mindflayer supremacy -
Joined: Aug 2014
People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. Who'd ever have imagined that different people might have different opinions, lol. As Shadowheart says, "I was just making an observation"  Not to mention, it's fun to read disparaging and salty comments. That's why rants and negativity in general thrive on the internet and especially in places like YouTube or Twitter. Drama can be very entertaining, but it's also wise not to get drowned by it. This is the only forum where you can discuss the game critically where intelligent analytical posts aren't drowned in juvenile trash talk (Steam) or downvoted into oblivion for criticizing the game, or just because (Reddit). I think players and fans who are harder to please who want more than slapstick gameplay and romancing Astarion gather here, and Larian should pay attention.
Joined: Mar 2020
As Shadowheart says, "I was just making an observation"  Not to mention, it's fun to read disparaging and salty comments. That's why rants and negativity in general thrive on the internet and especially in places like YouTube or Twitter. Drama can be very entertaining, but it's also wise not to get drowned by it. Eh, if I log in to those forums is to give feedback - and most of the time negative feedback. If I completely hated the title, nor liked the changes Larian is making I wouldn't rebought it after my initial refund. I am not a social animal - I don't particularly care for other player experiences, or share my character, or bond over how good some things in BG3 are. I treat it as amatour testing excercise and hope that some of the gibbrish I write will help in making BG3 a better game (at least a better for myself - let's be honest I am here with a very selfish intent of campaigning for the game to be more enjoyable for myself)
Joined: Jul 2021
Agreed! While i'm not really a discusser, im more of a reader. But this is the only forum where you can read actual feedback on the game and the direction it is taking. Reddit is just filled with horny deviants that want to bone everybody in the game and cancels everybody that has a different opinion and steam is just a bunch of trolls claiming that Larian is doing a cashgrab or something or other... People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. Who'd ever have imagined that different people might have different opinions, lol. As Shadowheart says, "I was just making an observation"  Not to mention, it's fun to read disparaging and salty comments. That's why rants and negativity in general thrive on the internet and especially in places like YouTube or Twitter. Drama can be very entertaining, but it's also wise not to get drowned by it. This is the only forum where you can discuss the game critically where intelligent analytical posts aren't drowned in juvenile trash talk (Steam) or downvoted into oblivion for criticizing the game, or just because (Reddit). I think players and fans who are harder to please who want more than slapstick gameplay and romancing Astarion gather here, and Larian should pay attention. Agreed! While i'm not really a discusser, im more of a reader. This is the only forum where you can read actual feedback on the game and the direction it is taking. Reddit is just filled with horny deviants that want to bone everything that moves in the game and throw barrels at eachother, and cancels everybody that has a different opinion and steam is just a bunch of trolls claiming that Larian is doing a cashgrab or asking why we can't play act2 yet, the game has been in deveolpement for like 5 years, it should be done by now", Larian is scamming you!!! Etc...
Joined: Feb 2022
This is the only forum where you can discuss the game critically where intelligent analytical posts aren't drowned in juvenile trash talk (Steam) or downvoted into oblivion for criticizing the game, or just because (Reddit).I think players and fans who are harder to please who want more than slapstick gameplay and romancing Astarion gather here, and Larian should pay attention. Hear hear! I'm just sorry it took me as long as it did to realize this forum even existed. Let alone existed as an intellectual sanctuary from those other two black holes. Also, in regards to lots of negative feedback here. I'm sure that no matter what Larian did there would be negative feedback, but you do have to stop and take a moment when you realize that a bulk of the negative feedback that is filling up these forums has to do with Larian's straying further and further away from 5e purity. At some point you have to hope they actually take a look and realize that they are alienating a large portion of their audience that really, actually wanted this video game to be as close to 5e as it could get and still be fun. I mean, why else have mechanics like Action, Bonus Action, restricted movement distances, weapon proficiencies, etc. This game is supposed to be a 5e video game. Yet they keep adding in things that have no basis in 5e rules. Why? Because they think they're fun??!! You're not making this game for yourselves, you're making it for the however many hundreds of thousands of people that bought it in early access because they were excited about a true to 5e video game. I think that's why you are seeing a lot of negative feedback. Every day they stray further away from the rules system that was one of the major selling points for this game from the beginning.
Last edited by Temohjyn; 18/02/22 06:12 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. True. My guess would be that at least some of the frequent posters (Tuco, for example) are also regulars on RPG Codex. And folks there are known for their negative opinion on Larian games in general. Maybe I'm wrong, just making an observation. I DO also post sparsely on RPG Codex (where I've been a lurker for two decades) and incidentally so did Swen Vincke years ago, but I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here. Aside for the fact that Larian has its fair share of rabid fanboys even there, I don't "hate" the studio, I don't "hate" BG3, otherwise I'd just forget about its existence in a heartbeat, rather than fighting tooth and nail to see the issues I care about addressed and the game improved. And if you think I'm letting someone on the Codex dictacte to me what opinion I should have about the game, you clearly have no idea what type of person you are talking to. Also, DOS 1 and DOS 2 have been two of my favorites for years and I had both as my candidate games of the year at their respective releases, even if admittedly I grew more and more tired of some of their recurring design bollocks over time.
Last edited by Tuco; 18/02/22 06:41 PM.
Joined: Oct 2020
Havent bothered re-downloading...pretty much hafl-way out the door for the game; peaking in from time to time .... but,
Do we still have UI toilet chain character selection? That new UI seems to be even worst. Was Day night cycles / Time implemented? How about world reactivity/atmosphere? Are stuff still static and waiting for you? Interesting random encounters? Just one extra class? New races? New companions? Still cringy cinematic dialogues for EVERYTHING? Still cartoony PG13 look? More D&D systems/stats implemented and less weird <Disney Larian> comedy/goofy stuff?
Last edited by mr_planescapist; 18/02/22 10:25 PM.
Joined: Oct 2021
Havent bothered re-downloading...pretty much hafl-way out the door for the game; peaking in from time to time .... but,
Do we still have UI toilet chain character selection? That new UI seems to be even worst. Was Day night cycles / Time implemented? How about world reactivity/atmosphere? Are stuff still static and waiting for you? Interesting random encounters? Just one extra class? New races? New companions? Still cringy cinematic dialogues for EVERYTHING? Still cartoony PG13 look? More D&D systems/stats implemented and less weird <Disney Larian> comedy/goofy stuff? Yeah… you should probably go play something else for a few months and then check back in with Patch 8…
Joined: Sep 2021
People in this forums are so negative compared to everyone else, lol. True. My guess would be that at least some of the frequent posters (Tuco, for example) are also regulars on RPG Codex. And folks there are known for their negative opinion on Larian games in general. Maybe I'm wrong, just making an observation. I DO also post sparsely on RPG Codex (where I've been a lurker for two decades) and incidentally so did Swen Vincke years ago, but I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here. Aside for the fact that Larian has its fair share of rabid fanboys even there, I don't "hate" the studio, I don't "hate" BG3, otherwise I'd just forget about its existence in a heartbeat, rather than fighting tooth and nail to see the issues I care about addressed and the game improved. And if you think I'm letting someone on the Codex dictacte to me what opinion I should have about the game, you clearly have no idea what type of person you are talking to. Also, DOS 1 and DOS 2 have been two of my favorites for years and I had both as my candidate games of the year at their respective releases, even if admittedly I grew more and more tired of some of their recurring design bollocks over time. I'm saying that RPG Codex used to be a very different forum from what it is now. And last I saw, the only one who consisently defended Larian games was poor Rusty, bless his heart. There were some posters who occasionally chimed in on Larian's behalf, but they were few and far between. My point is, I saw some very Codex-like behavior from a few of the regular posters here (minus "r"s and heavy use of Decline), and made a connection. And I admit, I'm a little bit salty, because this is the game I wanted someone to make for years, and now that it's finally getting made, there is this influx of top critics, who sneer and cringe at every aspect of the damn game.
Joined: Sep 2020
And I admit, I'm a little bit salty, because this is the game I wanted someone to make for years, and now that it's finally getting made, there is this influx of top critics, who sneer and cringe at every aspect of the damn game. Why do other people's comments on the internet reduce your enjoyment of the game? No one posting here - praisers or critiquers - are what I'd call "top critics," so it's not like our opinions will affect the game's success. At least, not beyond better/worse user ratings on the full game that result from any changes Larian makes to the game because of our feedback. The vast majority of posters here just want the game to be as good as possible, and a good amount of them are here because we enjoyed DOS1&2 and were excited for Larian to create BG3. Larian released BG3 in EA specifically to hear our feedback and have us playtest the game - reiterating the importance of feedback in multiple Panel from Hells - so that's what we're doing.
Joined: Jun 2021
Patch 7 (possble bug from update?): dont know if it is just me, but when trying to customize the character and you attempt to cycle through the tattoo choices or the makeup. This includes being unable to change the color.
Suggestions: I feel there should be an "attempt to run" option when the MC discovers someone pulling a knife on them behind their back. It would be more realistic and fitting to have this as an option as well. Also Cinematic scenes dont always trigger an npc's feelings towards you depending on the choice you use, even if they are in the same area and close to your character/the mc. For some scenes it works and others you have to place all characters in a designated spot near the mc (less than a few meters, to where they at least show up in the cinematic) is the only way to trigger it sometimes thought this is not full proof.
Larian studios dont fall short on developint this game please. All you game developers I hope your passion does not dwindle and you can make this a game to remember. Add more big (existential) missions along the way that dont always have to do with any of our main character's back stories. Add some grit stories that will put our characters to the test, as well their relationships and morality. <33>
Last edited by DrCoffeeBean55; 19/02/22 06:50 AM.
Joined: Jan 2022
Can i kill Astarion when we meet now (in dialogue) or avoid having to go through the ridiculous wrestling? That would be a stupid thing to do, if you character is not a thief. I understand it makes sense from a roleplay perspective, but in the first dungeon I would regret this decission. Btw: Do we get a barbarian companion? In the last Baldurs Gate games there was, at least, one companion for each class.