So. Ladies and Gentlemen. I believe it is time to admit defeat. It is clear that Larian is moving FURTHER away from D&D 5e rules and stats, preferring to create more superhero gameplay mechanics like chucking 9 pound cats across a span of 1,000 feet so it can land in shadows in a spider lair and then easily use stealth to avoid phase spiders - and this is called clever gameplay and master strategy.

It is therefore clear. We will not likely receive a true D&D 5e experience here, nor shall it be likely even close. After a year and a half of fighting stupidly for this, Larian has made it clear by slapping us in the face with even MORE ridiculous mechanics that completely disregard D&D and the world of Faerun.

This said, I will likely no longer post to this thread. Game over. Flag waved. The memes win.

From this point on, just gonna try to enjoy the game as best I can. My dream for a better BG3 has ended. What hurts most is that it was killed by the Barbarian class... The one class I've been wanting from the beginning.

And now. Taps.

Brrr brrr brrrrrrr. Brrr brrr brrrrrrr. Brrr brrr brrr. Brrr brrr brrr. Brrr brrr brrrrrrr. Brrr brrr brrr. Brrr brrr brrrrrrr.