What I've immediately noticed is how the tags are no longer displayed anywhere on the character sheet. Are they purposefully hidden so they aren't as obvious, or will there be a separate tab for them later? Because, say, getting branded is implemented via slapping a tag on the character. Scanning through items and such also revealed the lack of slings and darts (yes, I am at it again) in the simple weapon proficiency category on the new character sheet and the missing ammunition property on ranged weapons (crossbows are still Loading, though, which doesn't mean anything at this point in the development).
The new UI in general is... strange. It feels both too minimal and having too much cramped into it at the same time. I guess it's better suited for spellcasters' convenience, which is ironic given the thematic class for this patch. Returning to the D:OS1-style charsheet in the end is kinda amusing but also showcases how experimenting with it didn't really lead anywhere.
Honestly, while Patch 6 was a good dose of optimism, this one's a bit on the opposite side. There are still no changes to reactions, or dodgy mechanics (pun intended, seeing how the Dodge action doesn't exist still), or level 5 being added (despite what many have thought the name of the PfH meant). Considering how the actual game is being developed on top of updating this, will there end up being too much stuff that's changed way too late or not changed at all? I dunno.