Originally Posted by mrfuji3
Originally Posted by 1varangian
This actually makes me wonder if we are on the wrong forums here.

We should probably be petitioning WotC to make sure we can play D&D instead of Shove'n'Throw Whac-a-Mole with surfaces when BG3 comes out.

Then again there's probably a clause in the contract that Larian can make whatever changes to 5e for "video game" needs. Video games are much more expensive to make than tabletop games anyway and the financial risks are greater. That would also explain why Sword Coast Legends was so heavily altered from D&D, and failed horribly because the videogamey fun wasn't so much fun in the end after all.
They brought Jeremy Crawford onto PfH2 at least partly to give his=WotC's blessing for Larian to make changes to 5e rules since "designing for a tabletop game is very different than designing for a videogame". So I doubt appealing to WotC will do anything. Which I honestly agree with - requiring all non-WotC published 5e content to exactly match 5e RAW wouldn't be the greatest.

Larian should have the freedom to make changes...I just disagree with a lot of the changes they're making. (I agree with some of them too - e.g., at least the concept of weapon abilities if not the actual implementation.)
I wouldn't want a blind conversion of tabletop either. Some stuff like reactions really just don't work as well in a multiplayer video game, and some 5e stuff is far from perfect and should be changed.

But still, need to keep the drum beating so that they won't forget a Core Rules setting is badly wanted. RAW D&D plays a lot better as a tactical combat (video) game than BG3 does, currently.