Originally Posted by LukasPrism
On that note I’ve noticed this patch goes all-in on the homebrew magic items. I’d rather they put in more of the iconic DMG items first before doing that.

See, there's another prime example of what I'm talking about, that I didn't even think about. Don't target a D&D 5e audience with your advertising but then make a game that's "essentially D&D." I don't want whatever you think D&D might be. I want you to, as closely as is possible within the video game space, replicate 5e except as a solo experience. That is what this game was billed as. It is not what this game is becoming. That is my primary argument. Shove as it currently works, Throw regardless of how it works, and stuff like adding in a bunch of homebrewed magic items, are all just byproducts of that larger problem. I've got an idea, instead of wasting time coming up with and then programming a bunch of stuff that isn't D&D 5e why not dedicate your time to taking what already exists and developing it in the game!

Yeah I get it, the counterargument is: "They just gave us the Barbarian Class." Did they though? Sure they gave us a Barbarian class, but it already has a number of deviations from the printed material. Somebody on the payroll is designing all of these things that aren't D&D. Someone is spending their creative energy thinking of "cool magic items" that aren't from the source books. To me that just feels like wasted time and energy that might be better spent, I don't know, engaging with your community of players to see what they'd like to see in game???!!! Or, heaven forbid, reading the actual source books and trying to make a game that adheres to whats in them. Part of me feels like Larian is just skimming the sourcebooks for cool ideas, and not actually paying attention to the meat and potatoes of the nitty gritty details. Of course, I say that having played through about 90 minutes of the new patch as the Barbarian and then quitting due to abject boredom. Maybe the Barbarian class they gave us is a lot closer to what's in the books than I think. Maybe there are people playing the game at tabletops all over the world who play barbarians that do nothing but shove and throw their enemies around. It could be...

On a separate note: @Maximuuus, you said much more clearly what I was trying to say in my post. I think GM4HIM's mechanics there would work very well at the tabletop. Sad thing is all of his theory-crafting was designed to try and make mechanical sense of something that was never intended to make mechanical D&D sense. It wasn't based off of D&D mechanics, so trying to translate something un-mechanical into something mechanical as a way to help Larian figure out how to do it right, is entirely pointless. That's what I was trying to say. Your version makes that much more clear in language that game programmers are much more likely to understand. smile