Originally Posted by Temohjyn
I had a thought while going about my business today. There is already a decently active mod community for this game. Just look here. Maybe the people we need to be talking to about Shove and Throw are the independent mod programmers. Let's see if one of them will make some quality tweaks to Shove and Throw. At least then there is a way to make Larian's game closer to the game it actually should be. I mean, it doesn't seem like Larian is listening. I'm guessing there are some independent coders out there who could whip up a mod to make Shove actually work like it's supposed to, and change Throw so that it is more in keeping with the balance of 5e?

I HATE mods.

Played party of 6 mod. Crashed game A LOT. Several times, computer crashed as well and I couldn't get the game to load for awhile.

We shouldn't have to rely on mods for mechanics that are intelligent for balanced gameplay just so we don't have enemies yeeting our toughest characters off cliffs or into lava,