Originally Posted by jfutral
They certainly are welcome to speak up, too.

They do speak up. Every time they play the game and use the shove feature and have a blast doing it.

They have no reason to come here and argue about it because they're not advocating for change. Let's face it, the enormous bulk of players of this game have never even logged onto these forums. Meanwhile, a handful of people (maybe two dozen, high end?) keep saying they don't like shove, as if the repetition of singular voices could somehow through illusory equal thousands of voices.

Originally Posted by jfutral
I'd be curious as to how that breaks out to "likes shove" vs "accepts shove as a matter of course and would probably not care if it were nerfed or went away, either".

Just my opinion, of course, but I think your finger is way off the pulse. People love shoving and jumping and having interactive maps that take advantage of a three dimensional environment.

Originally Posted by jfutral
In this vein, the solution is simple. Stop calling it a Baldur's Gate DnD 5e game and call it DoS3 or anything else.

You don't get to pick the name. As close as the product may be to your heart, you don't own the rights.

I like the name Baldur's Gate III. I also like having the option to shove in the game. Makes the game more fun and interesting. I'd be seriously disappointed if it went away. That would make the game boring.