Originally Posted by JandK
Originally Posted by jfutral
[People who like shove] certainly are welcome to speak up, too.

They do speak up. Every time they play the game and use the shove feature and have a blast doing it.

They have no reason to come here and argue about it because they're not advocating for change. Let's face it, the enormous bulk of players of this game have never even logged onto these forums. Meanwhile, a handful of people (maybe two dozen, high end?) keep saying they don't like shove, as if the repetition of singular voices could somehow through illusory equal thousands of voices.
Players using shove in game doesn't mean they "have a blast" shoving or, if they do, that they agree that the current implementation is better than others.

For 1, they're theoretically EA testers, so they're expected to test out all the things in game.
2. It's a BA ability and many classes don't get bonus actions, so using it is essentially free. Ease of use doesn't necessarily equal enjoyability.
3. Even if players do like being able to shove, this doesn't mean they like getting shoved by enemies, especially into lava or pits
4. Even if players do like being able to shove, they might like it equally if it was implemented differently - less distance, different type of check, restricted to an action (this allows martial characters to shove twice when they get Extra Attack)

You have no evidence besides your personal experiences about how many players are "having a blast" using shove, so please don't use this unknown population as evidence for your arguments. The only evidence we have of what people like or don't like is from posts to these forums/reddit, and then Larian additionally has feedback given directly to them.