-1 for level 20. Level 12 or 14 would be great.

a.) I dislike leveling up too fast, as then I don't have time to get comfortable with certain abilities before I'm presented with more. This is especially egregious for party-based RPGs where you have more characters = less time to become familiar with each character and more time spent on the level up screens.
b.) The sweet spot for D&D play is levels 5-13. Balancing level 20 play in a video game format where you can't tailor encounters to specific party compositions sounds terrible. Plus, many of the more-creative and fun high level spells will have to be severely nerfed. And encounters will become either rocket tag or have bullet sponge enemies.
c.) Dealing with 4+ characters' level 20 abilities will be a huge hassle. A single level 20 wizard will have like 50 known spells and 30 daily prepared spells, and this is not accounting for additional spells learned from scrolls, subclass spells, and spells from items. Then of course there's the standard/item-given actions and bonus actions, non-spell class abilities, consumables, etc. I shudder to think of that hotbar.