Companion scene spoilers:

In Astarion's new bite scene, right away there's a clearly marked option "grab weapon." I never choose that, yet the game forces my Tav to grab a stick and try to stake Astarion anyway (even though he knocks it out of her hand). I do not want to act that hostile, or even if I did, my Tav's first instinct would be to use magic instead. You put in so many choices that say "Kill Astarion now" that it's overkill enough without forcing my Tav to threaten him against my will. It ruins the whole relationship between the characters to me when I was trying to be nice to him before that. Really, my Tav's first thought to wake up and see someone on top of her would be "rape" not "ooh a vampire I know exactly what to do in this situation!"

What happened to the being understanding and patient scenario of previous patches? It's really a weird and sudden shift to have Tav go from "I must kill vampire aaah!" to 10 seconds later "I trust you." It doesn't make sense. Yeah I know some people want to kill him but that's not every player, and not me. I'd like the option to not automatically grab a stake!